chapter 26: the bird and the wolf

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chapter 26: the bird and the wolf

I walk through that corridor four or five times, and Adrian is nowhere to be found. I beggin to worry, what if the new teacher, Umbridge, found him? Or somebody else? But then a hand pull my through an opening and I am now in a little hallway. Adrain gives me a hug.

'Where were you?' I ask him annoyed.


'I walked through that corridor 367 times...'

'Shhh...' he kisses my lips.  'Follow me.'

We walk to a little door at the end of the hallway. Behind the door is a large bathroom with a bath as deep as a pool and hundred cranes.

'Wow,' I say. 'Nice place.'

'Yeah, I knew you would like it.' he opens some cranes. I go sit on the floor and he comes sit next to me. We wait untill the bath is full.

he takes a string of my hair and plays with it. Tell him...

'Adrian... I was not so honest with you...' I begin. I tell him about what I am and what Voldemorts is going to do with me. He listen patiently.

'What a pig.' He says when my story is finished.

I nod,  'Sorry that I didn't told you earlier.'

'I understand... But, Bry, I promise you that I will protect from him, in the worst case I'm going to lock you up in my house.' I laugh and lean forward for a kiss. He kisses me back and stands up. He takes of his clothes and goes in the bath.

'Come in.' he smiles at me, with a bears of soap.

'But... But you never saw me naked before...'

'Please... I will turn around.' he turns around and I begin to unbutton my blouse. The water is hot and I swim to him. I splashes water in my face and I try to push his face under water.

'You're such a tease.' he says when he can breath again. I kiss his nose. 'I know.' 

'Hey, Bry, just wondering... do you know your Patronus?'

'Yeah, a bird... Yours?'

'A wolf,' He says, 'The bird and the wolf.' 

I splash again some water in his face.

We go out and let us dry on one of the towels. It's the first time we're lying naked together and it isn't uncomfortable at all. He begins to kiss me, first slowly and then a little bit harder and more confident. He comes closer to me and wants to lie on me. I stop him, it isn't that I don't want to do it, I am ready, but still... What if somebody find out about it? Would I do it right? What if I get pregnant???

'Bry, are you not ready? Sorry, maybe I'm going to fast,  but I tought... We are 17, adults. I mean.... Sorry...' He says. He's so cute when he's insecure about himself.

I kiss him again, 'I love you, Adrian..., ' I whisper, 'I'm ready...'


We're looking at eachother, It's almost 3 am. Gosh, he's so beautiful... 

'Why are you smiling?' He asks.

'I'm happy...'

He  closes his eyes and smiles, 'Good...'

'Why are you smiling?'

'I was afraid I did something wrong...' 

I poke his shoulder and go lay on my back, he also go lay like that. There are some flying candles, I close my eyes.

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