chapter 16: going outside

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chapter 16: going outside

I look in the mirror that hangs in the old bathroom of my hotel room. I live here for 2 weeks now. I took the bus to London and first I wanted to stay in a magical hotel, but everywhere I looked, there were pictures from me with the text "Missing: Bryanna Malfoy. 15 years old (I turned 15 a few days ago, yay.. happy birthday for me) , red curly hair, 1,56 m." So staying in the magical world was impossible. I found a little, cheap, muggle hotel and there I stayed mostly in my room, thinking about what I need to do now. My grandfather sent me a letter back, asking where I'm staying now, I said the hotel where I'm staying in London. I can't stay with him, because the Deatheaters will attack him and my uncles, so he said that I need to stay here until he found a solution. Adrian didn't write me back yet and I begin to worry about him. I wash my face and put my black hoodie back on, my hair covers my eyes. I go outside and walk in the city of London. It's the second time I do that, because the first time, some wizards who need to be in the city  reconized me and I had to run from them. But I noticed that  they are always in the city and the popular parks, etc... That's why I wander in the backstreets now, it's not so safe, but I have my wand and I know a little bit how to fight and how to defend myself. I walk for maybe half an hour, when I see the tattoo shop. I stop and look through the window, there is just one boy in the shop, drawing something. Should I go in? I always wanted one, but my mom didn't want it. Now nobody can stop me from doing it. I push the door open and the boy looks up. He has dark black hair, that is hanging in front of his eyes, some piercings and tattoos and the greenest eyes I have ever seen in my whole life. He looks like the typical emo-boy that you can find on the internet. 

the boy smiles at me. 'Hello there, what brings a little girl like you to a place like this?' He asks.

'What do you think? I came here to slay the monstrous plant of destruction, of course.' I answer him annoyed.

He laughs: 'Of course, but he's on vacation, sorry.' 

I roll my eyes, that was such a lame joke.

'Well? where is that sarcastic, funny girl from 3 seconds ago?' 

I shrug my shoulders:' I'm not in the mood, I want a tattoo...'

'Yeah, do you have the permission of your parents? One parent is enough.'

'Do I need one?'

'Just a note and signature from your mother...'

'My mother is dead...' I say cold and I try to look at him with dark eyes, but I fail, so I look down at my shoes.

'Your father then...' He says softly and looks at me with compassion in his eyes and something else... Understanding?

I stay silent for a while. ' He is also dead to me.' I say eventually.

The boy nods: 'I understand,..' 

'Huh, do you?' I raise my eyebrows. I don't think he knows how it feels to be the weapon of your father. He doesn't answer my question and I see from his eyes that he also has "Daddy-issues".

'Just give me one and then we go on with our lives.' I say.

'I can't, my boss would kill me. And I need this job, otherwise I... I...' He doesn't finish his sentence, ' But I can give you a piercing.' I sigh, better then nothing, I guess. I nod and he does that spastic thing with his head so his hair would get out his eyes.

'Where do you want one?' He asks and he takes a machine that looks like an ugly gun. I already have normal earrings, so maybe some extra in my ear. But I also want to shock people ( especially Lucius). Nobody would notice it in my belly and I don't want it in a weird place like my nipples or vagina. That's just gross.

'Decided yet?' The boy asks impatient and distracts me. I shake my head and he turns on the TV. The news is almost over, they are talking about sports now.

'I want 2 in my right ear, one close to my earring and the other one on the top of my ear.' I say.

'An upperlobe and Helix.' He corrects me.

'Yeah that. And I want one in my face, maybe in my lower lip.'

'A spider bite maybe?'  He says while he makes the gun ready for use.

'That's okay for me.' I go sit on a little chair and he go stand on my right and points the machine at my right ear. The shot itself, I didn't feel, but then a pain goes slowly through my ear. The next one ( the upperlobe, the one next to my earring) I don't feel at all. It feels like a bruise that you can feel growing, it only hurts more and more. But it's a pain wich isn't that bad, I can live with it. Just like my lip, it's just pain.

'Tadaa.' He says theatrical and gives me a mirror. It looks really cool and I feel bad-ass now. I know it's kind of stupid to feel like that, because it also gives me the feeling that I can beat Lucius and his friends. That's ridiculous, I can only run and hope that they don't find me.

'So, what was your name again? I forgot.' The boys says while he cleans his macine.

'I didn't mention it before.'

'How impolite,' He looks shocked at me and I smile for the first time in 2 weeks. ' Let's try this again. I am Oli and you are.'

'Bryanna.' I say.

'Bryanna Malfoy  ran away 2 weeks ago from her father and stepmother.' A woman's voice says from the television. We both look at it. I freeze and Oli looks shocked ( and now for real) at the tracing message with a picture of me and a phone number below it. 'Her father promises a big reward for the person that finds her.' The voice continues. I run to the door, but Oli is faster and blocks my way.

'You need to understand, Bryanna Malfoy.' He says my name with a little bit hate in his voice. 'I can really use that money your father promises.' He says and leans against the door.

'No, you need to understand, let me go. He's terrible..' 

'Ow, yeah, it must be terrible to live with your rich father and stepmother. I tought you were cool, I tought that you knew real problems.' He says with hate in his eyes. 'But I guess you're just a spoiled litlle daddy's girl.' 

'I'm not...' I say, but he interrupts me again. 

'What was it? Didn't you get a new Iphone... That's so horrible.'  He takes his old cellphone out of his pocket and begin to call the phone number.

'I'm not gonna stay here.' I say with gritted teeth. and take my wand, that I hide on the side of my boot. 'Alohomora!!' I shout as loud as I can. The door opens and Oli falls on his back while he was talking to somebody on his phone. I run over his body and go away, back to the hotel.

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