Chapter 4 A Bestfriend

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Hello bestfriends.. and readers.. have you seen BOYFRIEND performance on MNET.. they are really amazing,, Jeongmin doesn't look like he was injured or something... they gave all their best.. So I dedicate this chapter to them.. Please vote and leave comment if I need to improve some parts.. If you have suggestions on feel free to write it. Thanks again for reading..


                                                       Chapter 4

                                                   "A Bestfriend"

"Thanks for the ride Mr. Kwon", I said gleefully.  He smiled and closed the car door the moment I stepped out.

"It's my job to drop you off and pick you up from school Miss Jhaeshi, so no need to thank me".

"But I really wanted to thank you,... well I guess see yah later then".

"I'll pick you up here at 4pm, see you later Miss Jhaeshi". Mr. Kwon started the car and went off.

I turned around and saw my new school. They said It was the dream school of everyone. It's like the Harvard of Korea. They have everything here, business, medical, arts, music, name it and they have it. I started to walk through the gate.

"My first day (sigh), I hope everything will going to be smooth", I prayed. The students here are all stylish, wearing branded clothes, bags and shoes. Well most of them came from a rich family so what do I expect. I looked at myself, I'm wearing me, the same old me. I'm not old fashion but not stylish, just an ordinary fashion I guess. I wear long sleeves, pants and a doll shoes. Plus my long braided hair ofcourse.

I checked my schedule to see what class I'll be in. Room A-105, oh!, here it is. I entered the room and search for a vacant seat. I sat down and I observe everyone inside our classroom. Some of the students are talking about how they spent their vacation abroad. Others are busy texting and browsing their mobile phones.

Suddenly someone poked on my shoulder. I glanced at my back. I'm totally shocked and speechless seing the girl behind me. I can't help myself to admire her.

Her eyes are big and round. Her dark short hair makes her face look young, plus she got a nice physique.

"Hi" she said with a big smile on her face. "Is this spot taken?", pointing to the vacant chair beside me.

"It is now", I replied.

She sat to the chair and fixed her things. She kept on staring at me like she wanted to asked something. So I initiate the first move.

"Hi", greeted her with my sweet smile.

"Hello", she greeted shyly.

I introduced my self to her and asked her's. "I'm Jhaeshi Hart, what's your name?

"Park Sooyoung,.. ahm no offencement okay,,, You have a boy's name?", she said unexpectedly.

I do always get that kind of reaction when they started to hear my name so I'm used to it. "ahhh, yes well my mom and my dad combined their names, so it turned out to be like that. Aweful isn't it?"

"nah,, it's cool!", she said wholeheartedly.

We both laughed after that.

The bell rang signaling that it's time to begin the class. Our professor entered the room and the students settled in. So the discussion started.

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