Chapter 5 Lies

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Here it is the next chappy.. tan-tan-na-nan... lol.. Hope you will like it.. Please do comment and vote. I really do appreciate all your comments..

@qimqim Thanks for reminding me that I needed to update today.. hehe..

continue to read my story guys... and give some ideas.. okay enjoy reading...


                                                     Chapter 5



"YOU!!!!!!, he exclaimed. So your just pretending the whole time in the cafeteria...

"Pretending what??????", I stood up firmly putting my two hands on my waist.

"Pretending not to know us, but actually you are one of our lunatic fans who like to stalk us around."

This guy is so full of himself... I want to crushed him, put him in a mixer and feed him to the pirahna..

"FYI mister all so whatever... I am not a stalker, a lunatic fan of yours and I am not pretending. I also live in this house you moron!." I said angrily.

"Oh really do you? Since when did that happen??, he said in an irritable voice.

I don't want to talked to this guy ever again. "I don't need to explain everything to you. Just ask Mr. Kwon..." Im starting to walk away when I heard something that push my anger into the boiling point.

"Maybe you're ashame to tell me that you work here as a house maid.." he said teasingly.

Myyy Goodnesssssssss... Where did he get that idea,.. does he really uses his brain?..

"Look here Mister and listen very carefully, I am not so telling you anything.. got that? Or should I repeat it once again?, Mr. birdbrain..."

His face turned red in anger. He stood up from the couch then pointed his finger on me.

"You... I hate you, you little.. arghhhhh.. he screamed in frustration.

"Did I pushed the wrong button Mr. birdbrain.. hahaha..." I laughed at him. "You know what, birdbrain doesn't suits you maybe I should call you MR. ANGRY BIRD instead... see yah around." Then I exited the room.

I ran at the hallway, then entered my room. I closed the door  and locked it. I lay my back on the door and let out a sigh. Where did i get my courage to fight back? That guy he's getting on my nerve. I hope tomorrow he'll be back to where he came from....



"WHO THE HELL IS THAT GIRL, MR. KWON?"...  I said growling..

Mr. Kwon faced down before answering me. "She is Miss Jhaeshi, daughter of Lady Shinhyu."

"That girl is the daughter of auntie???.. I thought he was a boy!!!.." I slaped my face to see if I am not dreaming. How on earth,.. That whippersnapper is my step sister. "Oh no this is not so happening Mr. Kwon tell me your just toying on me," I placed my hands on his shoulder and shook him. "Please tell me you are lying".

"Stop shaking me young master, I'm telling the truth she is the daughter of Lady Shinhyu, she is  your stepsister."

"Sorry, I don't accept her as sister." I stop shaking Mr. Kwon and headed to my room. "If you're planning to ask me something, save it later. For now I just wanted to be alone."

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