Chapter 44 Sad goodbye

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Chapter 44

"Sad goodbye"


It’s my last day here in Korea and my foot won’t want to leave the country. My other half of my heart will be left behind. Thinking about living without Minwoo for how many months is unexplainable.

I finished packing my things and in three hours we will go back to America. I breathe deeply and recheck my check list if I forgotten something. We’ll all is set.

"Kimberly, are you ready to go?" My mom shouted out.

"Yes Mom I am ready." I went out of my room carrying my travelling bag and other stuff. I laid them together with my mom things.

I told Minwoo last night that I don't want him to see me leaving. If I'll see him I might change my mind and won’t leave Korea. My dad misses us so much and he was so excited to meet us in America. Who will I choose between the two men I love? 

Do I need to choose if one of them is willing to wait? Minwoo promised that he will wait for me. I know I will be a hindrance to his career if I will stay here, beside he is busy with his schedules. The problem is I am an impatient person and I don't think I could wait for him that long. I need to endure it do I? 

We arrived at the airport and my mom is entering the building to check in. Before I could pass to the entrance I glance back at the place. Memories flash into my brain. The first day I met Minwoo and the others until the day we last see each other. I tried to hold back the tears that wanted to pour down. I will meet them again, what am I thinking? 

I sat next to my mom, I know she's worried. I can see it in her face. "Kimberly is everything okay?"

I broke down after she asked me that. Tears fell from my eyes. I cried hard. My mom held my hand and dried my tears with her fingers. "Mom, it’s so hard." I said in between my cries. 

"I know honey, I know what you feel but you need to finish your studies first. It's just months then you can visit here again." She encouraged me.

"How? How can I survive without him?" I asked.

"You can call him every day or talk in Skype. We're in the twentieth century, technology can help you." Wow I never thought of that. "Thanks Mom you’re the best." I praised her.

The plane is taking off, I will miss you my Minwoo. I remembered yesterday.

"Don't remove your blindfold; I’ll get angry if you'll take that off." Minwoo said. I listened to him and he guided me while we are walking. He held my hand and he move me safely.

"You can remove it now." He whispered to my ear. When I took my blind off and I saw the other members and my girlfriends prepared a surprise farewell party for me. I enjoyed the night because I know I won't be able to see them for a long time.

"Have a safe trip Kimberly. We will call you often so don't be sad. Okay?" Jeongmin oppa patted my head and smiled to him as a response.

"Here have this Kimberly." Lhyn handed me a box. "What is this? You don't need to give me gifts." I protested.

"That gift will serve you as a remembrance of our friendship." Sooyoung eonnie said happily. I opened the box and I loved what I saw. It's a photo album of our outings. "Thank you guys. I will always look at this album whenever I miss you all." I smiled warmly.

"Don't think too much Kimberly, just focus on your studies. We will see each other after a few months." Donghyun oppa advised.

"Nae oppa." I know it's hard but I will do it.

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