Chapter 1 Unfortunate event

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~~~this is new to me... i used to write "yes".. but I used my native language (Filipino) in writing my stories this is the first time i used my second language (English) .... please.. please... please be good to me.. comment if I need to improve my story... You are also free to correct me if there are errors..typo..wrong grammars etc. I really love BOYFRIEND so I challenge myself to write my first ever fanfic for them.. hope you will like it guys.... <3


                                                        Chapter 1

                                               "Unfortunate event"


"Good morning Miss, what would you like to drink coffee, tea or juice?".. A good looking lady asked. I sigh before answering, "Do you have an orange juice?". The stewardess nodded in response and after a while she handed me a glass of orange juice. I smiled to her and said "Thanks". The good looking lady left quietly and I started to stare the glass in my hand instead of drinking it. I put aside the glass of orange juice because I don't feel like drinking it.

"This will be a long boring flight", I mumbled.

Im sitting on a plane from America to Korea. Yes you heard me right, America... I was born and raised there. My father is an Englishman and my mother is a Korean. My mother used to work as a nurse and met my father in the hospital due to his regular heart check ups. They dated...married... and I was born. My parents are too happy to have me. They said that I am a wonderful gift that God gave them. Their relationship was too perfect. They cherish every single moment they are together..

Until one morning my father never woke up.. I was six then, and I can vaguely remember everything. My mother was in pain and I saw her crying every night. It seems everyday for her is living like a hell...

"Jhaeshi honey, I will leave you under the care of your grandmother. I need to fix myself. I.." My mother didn't finish her sentence. S he just stared at me straight to the eyes and started to cry..  "I can't take you with me to Korea. Whenever I see you I'm always reminded of him. You took your father's blue eyes.. she said while sobbing.. I promise to get you when I'm ready.. I love you honey.. I really do..

I tried to stop her by begging her to stay with me but she never listened. I followed her but she pushed me away. I shouted her name but she didn't try to look back. I cried hard knowing my mother left me. Suddenly an old woman appeared and she gave me a warm hug. It's my grandmother. At that moment I felt safe, loved and accepted.

I felt water dripping from my cheek..  "Am I crying?".. I immediately wiped the tears that's falling from my cheeks. I hate someone seeing me cry. I don't want other people to see that I'm weak. I started to glance around to check if  someone noticed me. Thank God they are all busy with whatsoever they are doing..

I grab my phone from the pouch to check the time. As I saw my screen-saver I can't help myself from missing my grandma so much. She died 2 weeks ago so I live alone now, that's why I'm traveling to Korea.

The government said that I need someone to be my guardian or else I'll end up living in an orphanage. They discovered that my mother is still alive so they contacted her and informed her about my situation. I never heard about Mom since the day she left me, but I'm happy because she accepted me again... I already forgave her for leaving me behind. What matters now is I'll be seeing her again. I hope we could start a new beginning together with her new husband..

My eyes are about to meet the darkness and fragments of images are starting to form when a group of girls screamed out loud..

"Woahhhhhhh!!!!!! they are totally a bunch of cuties." she yelled. The other girl chuckled while looking at the direction of the boys..  I also heard the people behind me talking about the boys.

"Are they really cute?", I asked unknowingly to myself. Curiosity strikes me.. I tried to stand to see if they are really cute but to my surprise one of the boys also stood up and our eyes met. I was stunned and so I pretended to go to the bathroom. I can feel my cheeks turn into a tomato. THAT IS SO EMBARRASSING.. 

I looked back and I saw the boy waved his hand, smiled and winked to the girls who are noisy a while ago.. The girls started to scream like there's no tomorrow... I rolled my eyes in dismay.. Unfortunately the restroom is full so I just went back to my seat. The girls are too noisy.. Noisier than before.

I let out a big sigh and said.. "GOODBYE DREAMLAND"..



I can't get a glimpse of dreamland. These girls are irritating me. I stood up to check who are the girls making the noise. I was taken aback when a girl suddenly appeared and our eyes met. I was hypnotized by her blue eyes. Is she wearing a contact lens?..  I whispered.

The girl heads to the restroom. I spaced out a little while thinking about the girl's blue eyes. I heard people giggling so I snap out to reality. They are staring at me as if waiting what will I do next. I wave my hand, flashed my sweetest smile and for finale I winked at them. They all blushed and shrieked. "We love you oppa!!!!" they said in chorus.

I sat down tiredly. I checked out the boys who are all busy sleeping. Sitting next to me is Kwangmin, next is his hyung Youngmin, our maknae Minwoo, Jeongmin and lastly the mother of the group Hyunseong. I smirk at the thought of that.

They are all tired, staying up all night just to finished our music video. We wrap up at around 4 in the morning and what's left for us is to pack our things then ride the airplane.

We planned to take a at least two days vacation to visit some famous tourist spot in America. Unluckily our CEO called our manager yesterday informing us that we have an emergency interview in one of the big broadcasting system in Korea.  So instead of taking a first class flight we were ended in an economy class.

"Hyung what's the matter? Can't sleep?".. Kwangmin asked while rubbing his eyes. 

"Yes.. hmmmmm.. my eardrums are too sensitive today.. I can't sleep because of the noises". I whined.

Kwangmin wrinkled his forehead, then his eyes moved side to side like he was thinking something. "Ahh".. he cried. Then he grab something in the pocket of his back pack.

"Here hyung use this, I carried a spare headset in case the other will lost". he said while handling me his headset.

"Thanks.. actually I lost mine yesterday".. I replied. "I think I forgot it in the studio". I continued.

"Just listened to music hyung then eventually you''ll fall asleep". He said while preparing himself to sleep again.

I opened my IPod and plugged the headset into my ear. I played my song "Listen"..

My eyes are getting heavier, it seems Kwangmin's suggestion really worked....

Then the next thing I knew the plane had landed...


"It's good to be back.."


Thanks to the people who pushed me to do this..  My sister who helped me to edit this chappy and to pishimin eonnie who always supports me in everything I do. Please do vote and comment...

Don't forget Boyfriend's new album OBSESSION, tv promotion will be on June 5, 2014. and album release is on June 09, 2014.


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