Chapter 26 My six handsome private nurse

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Chapter 26

"My private nurse"


We arrived at the hospital and saw Jhaeshi lying unconscious on the bed. Donghyun hyung sign the waiver and they took her in the operating room. If only I could change place with her, I will do it. I don't like to see her suffering like that. Of all the people why them? Why her?

We waited for hours outside the operating room. Donghyun hyung seems very tense. He occasionally peak at the glass door of the room. Hyunseong hyung and Jeongmin hyung are sitting quietly in the hospital floor. 

"Are you okay now, Kwangminie?" My twin asked.

"I am not okay hyung; I'll be fine if Jhaeshi will be stable." I answered in a low voice.

He held my hand and taps my shoulder. "She will be fine. I know she'll be okay soon."

I smiled at him and said, "I hope she will."

Minwoo suddenly stood up and he walked towards the glass door. "Why are they taking them so long? I am dying here waiting for news." He complained.

Then a nurse appeared, marching out the operating room. The hyung stood up quickly and questioned her about Jhaeshi's condition.

"Ma'am how was the patient condition?" Hyunseong asked politely.

"May I ask who among the patient are you asking?" She asked confusedly.

"The girl who just had an accident." I said with an impatient tone.

"Owww, that girl. She's okay now. She is in the recovery room and they are just waiting for her vital signs to be stabilized. Then they will transfer her in her room." She informed us.

"She's okay now? Really?" Jeongmin asked again, maybe he wants to confirm what he heared.

"Yes she is fine now, but she is still in recovering state. Did you already get a room for her?" the nurse asked.

"Not yet we are all shocked to what happen and we forget the other matters." Youngmin spoke.

"If I were you guys instead of waiting for her here why don't you go and get her a room." the nurse suggested, and then she walked off.

"Jeongmin and I will go to the admitting section while the others wait here." Donghyun hyung commanded.

After an hour the hyung came back and inform us they got a room for Jhaeshi and suggested we will all wait for her there. Mr. Kwon already woke up and he insisted to stay than to go home. 

"Mr. Kwon are you sure you wanted to stay here?" Hyunseong asked worriedly. 

"Yes I am. I am worried to Miss Jhaeshi and I wanted to see her before i go home." he answered bluntly.

"How did the accident happen?" Youngmin curiously asked.

"I was driving her to school. We stopped in the intersection and we are in the first lane. When the traffic light became green I hit on the gas knowing it's our turn to move. Suddenly a container van just appeared in the right side of the road. I think he is trying to catch the light before it will turn to red but it didn't make it. The impact was too strong. Because, the car is running in full speed. Miss Jhaeshi is sitting in the right side of the car that's why she got hit severely." Mr. Kwon stated.

"What happened to the driver who hit you?" Jeongmin interrogated.

"The doctor said the driver was dead when they got him here. He broke a lot of bones and he died due to internal hemorrhage. I wished he manage to survive." the old man said.

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