Chapter 39 Change of heart

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Chapter 39

"Change of heart."


I have to admit Jhaeshi is not really in love with me. What if the time comes that she recognizes her feeling toward Donghyun hyung what will I do?

Maybe I'll just be happy for her. For them. It will hurt but I can surpass it. I am Kwangmin I can deal with everything in a cool manner. This place is good to unwind. No people will bother me from thinking. Plus the ambiance was so relaxing. I love cafes.

I ordered a java chip and a red velvet cake. I am enjoying eating the food. I want to be alone today to clear my mind. "Jhaeshi". I whispered. I know the day will soon come so I have to get ready and feel my first heart break. I paid my bill and headed out the shop. I roam around the mall and no one seems to notice me.

Them someone poke from behind. "Annyeong Kwangmin oppa." She said in voice only she and I could hear.

"Huh?" I was about to shoo her but I remembered her face. She's the other girl with Jhaeshi when we had our fan signing event; the funny thing is, here in the same mall.

I signaled her to keep quiet. She's a keen observer. She's the only person here who recognizes me with this outfit and disguise. "Annyeong...ah...” I tried to make flashback to remember her name but I failed. I snap my fingers thinking her name.

"Minlee." She said. She chuckled and I saw her cute dimple on her cheeks. "Cute." I whispered but I think she heard it because she started too blushed.

She looked around me, expecting to see the other members. "Oppa, where are the others?" She asked with her knitted brows.

"I am alone. Are you expecting to see someone beside me?" I asked back.

"Yeah, maybe, I am expecting you are with the others. And Jhaeshi." She explained.

"I went alone. Care to join me?" I invited her.

"Uhm, sure why not. Beside I am alone too." The girl named Minlee said.

We walked around the mall until our feet are tired. We are so awkward together. No one wanted to initiate to open up a topic. We sat on a bench to take some rest. "Minlee can I asked you a question?" I broke the silence.

"What is that? You can ask anything, except for money okay?" She joked and I laughed.

"Who is your biased in our group?" I simply asked. I am anticipating that she will say my name.

"The truth is, your brother." Her face turned into a tomato. I am disappointed again.

"Really you like my brother?" Why does everyone wanted someone other than me. I faced her again and held her hand. "I will gonna change your bias list. Starting this day I will be the one whom you will like." I told her.

Her eyes become bigger and she pulled her hands from me. "Oppa are you out of your mind?" She confusedly asked.

"I am not. I will make that happen. Come one let's go." I grab her hand and we walk towards a flower shop. I bought her a bunch of flowers and gave it to her.

"Here, for the beautiful lady that I saw today." I gave her the flowers. She seems delighted by it.

"These flowers are so fresh and they are pretty, thank you oppa." She giggled and smelled the flowers.

"Yeah pretty like you." I complimented her. "So am I your biased now?" I asked her.

"Nope, still Youngmin." She answered.

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