Chapter 16 Brotherly love

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Chapter 16

"Brotherly love"


I’m exhausted from the trip. My whole body hurts. I need to get home and lie to my bed. I heard my phone rang.

"Hyung your phone is ringing aren't you going to answer it?" Minwoo said. I saw Minwoo picked up my phone and answered it. "Yeoboseo, hyung is sleeping uncle." I forced to open my eyes and took the phone from Minwoo. I thank him and answered the call.

"Yes dad, what do you want?" I asked my dad politely. "You’re going out of the country again? Okay I got it" Then we ended the call.

They are going to Europe for a business trip. Jhaeshi will stay alone in the house again. My head is spinning I need to rest more. We arrived at our dorm and some fans are waiting for us outside the building. I fake a smile and wave my hands to them. I don't feel good but I don't want other people notice that I am sick, especially our fans.

When I entered my room, I quickly jumped in my bed and fall asleep. I heard the others complaining how tired they were. So I think all of us took rest and fall asleep.

The next thing I knew I felt someone puts a cold towel into my forehead. I opened my eyes and saw Jhaeshi sitting beside me. Her face is worried. She's not wearing her smile. I miss her smile. My head is heavy and so is my body. I heard Jhaeshi talked, "Don't force yourself to move, you have a high fever".

That is why I don’t feel good, I am really sick. I passed out.

When I opened my eyes again I saw Hyunseong face. "Hyung do you feel okay now".

I nodded, and then I sat from bed. "Where is Jhaeshi?" I asked while massaging my head.

"Jhaeshi? Hyung Jhaeshi didn't come here." Hyunseong said. "When you woke up Jeongmin is the one looking after you." he continued.

I saw her before. Am I hallucinating? I just ignored what Hyunseong said. He gave me a bowl of porridge and I ate all of it. I want to recover fast so I could see my sister's smile. Do I really want her to be my sister? When I think about it my heart is aching.

"Hyung you’re awake." Kwangmin said. "Here fruits and medicines, we bought this for you." Youngmin showed me some fruits and medicines in a bag.

"I'll cut them for him." Minwoo volunteered.

"Where is Jeongmin?" I asked.

"He went out to see someone." The twins answered in chorus.

"I heard my name, I'm here!" Jeongmin said while entering the room.

"We thought you’re going to meet someone? When your phone rang you hurriedly went out. Is there something going on that we didn't know?" Hyunseong asked.

Jeongmin just shook his head and went outside the room again. I eat quietly and enjoyed the fruits that Minwoo handed to me.

Minwoo sat beside me and checked my forehead. "Hyung don't get sick again, you worried us all."

They all nodded in unison.  After that the doorbell rang. Kwangmin went to see if who our guess is.

I saw Jhaeshi standing near my door panting. As if she ran all the way through here. "Oppa are you okay? I heard you’re sick so I asked Mr. Kwon to drive me here." She said half breathing.

She quickly dashed in my bed and looked at me with awe. "Don't stare at me like I have an incurable disease. I'm feeling okay now." I assured her.

"Really? Or do you want me to stay here and nurse you until you regain your strength?" She said in a shaky voice.

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