Chapter 6 School Club

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Chapter 6

"School Club"


The days are too fast. I'ts almost weekend. Saturday and Sunday please be good to me.. I suffered alot this whole week, because  of those stupid guys.  I hope Donghyun will not appear in the house during weekend. Im currently waiting for Sooyoung to arrive, she said she'll met me here at the front of the school. Most of the students are already went home and I'm still here uncertain if Sooyoung will appear or not. I'm afraid that she already ditched me.

I saw "Boyfriend" heading on the gate. "My gawd not now"... I prayed. Sooyoung where are you? Where the heavens are you? When the boys are approaching closer, I thought of a way to avoid them. I saw a car and hide behind it. I peaked if they are atill there. One by one, they are hopping in their trailer van. Until they are all gone. I crawled out behind the car and saw Sooyoung running over me.

"Jhaeshi!!???" she shouted out my name. "I'm sorry, I am late.. I came to the Music Club to apply a membership form.". She said while panting.

"Your joining a club?", I asked and frowned. "I want to join a club too, but I need to focus on my studies." I said it first because I know she's going to asked me to join.

"Do you plan to do something tomorrow?" she asked while taking out her mobile phone on her pocket. She started to dial someones number and began to talk to the person on the other line. Then she hang up and faced me again. "So?, what are you going to do tomorrow?"

I smiled from ear to ear. "I'm planning to sleep the whole day". Sooyoung frowned and said, "I want to do that also but I have an audition to attend too." she said sadly.  We started to walk to the ice cream parlor near to our school. I ordered cookies and cream and Sooyoung ordered strawberry flavored ice cream.

"Do you really wanted to join that club?" why does the other part of me wanted to accompany her during her audition tomorrow.

Sooyoung just nodded and ate her ice cream. "Okay I'll come with you tomorrow." Her eyes widen and she smiled so wide.

"Really your coming with me??? Oh my gawdy.. You made me happy Jhaeshi... very happy...I'll prepare something good tomorrow, I want to show you my best performance ever." she said excitedly.

I finished my icecream when I saw Mr. Kwon waiting for me at the parking lot area. I bid farewell to Sooyoung and went home.


"Stop biting your nails Sooyoung... And please calm yourself... I'm starting to get nervous also.." I complained.

Sooyoung didn't stop biting her nails and said.. "I can't stop, I'm too nervous my knees are also shaking and my heart is pounding so fast."

"You won't be able to sing well if your  nervous.. okay do some breathing excercise, it will lessen your jitters." I instructed her to do breathing excercise and after a while she started to get relaxed.

"Thanks Jhaeshi, I'm glad your here. Your the best."

The club organizer called Sooyoung's name signaling she's next to perform. She grab her bag and searched her MP3 inside it. "Where it is?.. oh no don't tell me I forgot it" , she started to mumble.

"Is there a problem, Sooyoung?",  panic is all over her face. Tears are forming in the corner of her eyes. "What happen? Maybe I could help."

" MP3 I.. I think I forgot it at home. My song is there... What will I do Jhaeshi?, she said while sobbing.

I tapped her shoulders and tried to comfort her. "Everything is gonna be fine Sooyoung, I know you can do it even without instrumental accompaniment, your voice is nice you can sing it in acapela."

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