Chapter 47 Badass Donghyun

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Chapter 47

“Badass Donghyun”


It's a lame Sunday and I stayed at home the whole morning. Mr. Kwon informed me that he will go for a walk.  Our maids went home to visit their families. So literally I am alone now. I lazily sat on my chair and I opened my email and there it goes again Agent J's messages. I refuse to open them. 

I know in my heart that Agent J is a nice guy but half of it also telling me that I’ve shouldn’t trust a person whom I just met in the net. All my emails came from him. I look fool doing nothing. I sat there and stared the monitor for minutes. "Am I going to open or not?" I mumbled.

"Why don't you open it?"

"I don't want to. I'll just pretend that I didn't see his messages." I said to the voice inside my head.

"His?" Wait a minute that is not my conscience. I recognized that voice. I turned my head around and I saw Donghyun oppa standing behind me.

"Since when did you come here?" I haven't notice him entered my room.

"You didn't sense my presence because you are busy staring your computer." He said amused. "Who is the guy you are talking to?" He continued talking.

I face my monitor and I turn off the computer. "Well it’s a friend of mine." I lied to him. I don't want him to get worried if I'll tell him that I have a stalker. I called Agent J as my stalker now because he knew what I am doing and where are the places I went. Looks like he's monitoring every move I make.

"A guy friend? Hmmm. I see." Then he sat over to my bed.

"What brings you here to my room?" I asked with my sweet tone. I move to him and sat beside him.

"I just want to see you. I miss you a lot." He lean forward and he winked at me.

"Aish oppa, you know I won't fall for that." I push his forehead away from me.

"Then you will fall for this." Before I could talk back his lips landed to mine. He bit my lower lip and I gasp. Then I felt his tongue entered my mouth.

I let out a sexy moan. And Donghyun oppa smiled between our kiss. We parted and we both catch for air. I blushed when he cupped my face again.

"Jhaeshi." Donghyun stares are burning me. Damn his body is so hot. He crashes his lips again but his kisses are now torrid. I can't take off my head because he trapped it with both of his hands.

“Don’t try to fight back. You will enjoy this also.” He moaned every word to turn me on.

I tried to push him but he was not shaken. I punch his chest but he didn't even get hurt. Is he gonna rape me? Omo!? Donghyun oppa won't do that to me.

He held my hand and he bear me down on the bed. I can't move. His body is pressing mine. I shouted but no sound comes out of my mouth.

“Shout harder. No one will hear you. We are alone and I can do whatever I want with you without anyone knowing it.” He smiled like a villain in some movies.

I shout again hoping someone might hear me. Why no sound does comes out of my throat? Did my vocal chords also left me?

"Jhaeshi.... Jhaeshi..." I could hear him saying my name.

"Jhaeshi wake up." I woke up because someone shouted next to me. I gradually opened my eyes. Thank God I am just dreaming. A worried face met me. I slept on my study table.

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