Mrs. azim

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Salamat before the dinner party

Today  is the Nikkah ceremony. We woke up very early in the morning. All the men of the house had already gone to the Mosque.

We've taken our bath and dressed. We were in Salamat room. Waiting for the men to finalize the wedding. We had a body massage this morning.

Salamat was nervous I can tell. She's been checking her phone since morning. I went to her and hugged her just to calm her down.
Minutes of waiting, her phone finally vibrated. She checked the message. She jumped up and started screaming .


"I'm married. The wedding has been finalized. I'm married to Aazim"

"Congratulations baby " I hugged her, we broke our hug when Mariam barged in " it has been completed" she shouted

"We know" I told her

"Change, your husband is coming to get you "

She ran into the bathroom and changed into something else. Her wedding outfit. She wore her pink and white iro and buba lace. With silver head gear. The make up artist highlighted her make up

I wore the same Aso ebi with the other girls but different style. I sewed a Skirt and blouse. I tied my Gele and the make up artist helped with my makeup.

We were doing our makeup when someone informed us that the groom have arrived. We quickly did what we were doing. When we got down. Aazim and his friend were waiting including Khalifa. When he saw me, he smiled at me. I couldn't help but blush . this guy is Cute.

We drove to the Venue of the reception. We drove the same way we did during the Kamu. Muhammed and I sat the front while the newly weds at the back

Shortly after, we got to the Venue. Aazim and Salamat danced in and took their seat at the center. I sat down on the table for us friends.

And guess what's happening

Khalifa is sitting beside me. Chai. Baba God help me .

The ceremony went on. It was time for best friends speech. Muhammed went out and said nice things about Aazim. It was now my turn to go out. When my name was called. I stood up,adjusted myself before going out. I collected the microphone  from the Mc, Cleared my throat before speaking

"Good Afternoon everybody, Thank you for being in this wonderful gathering.

Salamatu here is my best friend, she's like the sister that I never had. What am I even saying, she's my sister. She's the nicest, most beautiful, easy going woman I know.
I've know salamat for Five years and we have never fought. Not even an argument. She's just too cool. And She's also a great cook Aazim you're very luck to marry someone like Salamat.
Today, I am sad  yet  I am also  very happy. I'm sad because i'm going to miss you. You're not going to be there telling me 'Anu do this, Anu do that '  there's nobody I would tease but i'm also happy because you have someone better than me. You have the love of your life. You have Aazim and I trust him to take care of you . Aazim thank you for always making my friend happy and please don't stop.  I love you both, wish you all the best. I can't wait to become an aunty. Am sure you'll both make cute babies. Have a splendid life and Allah bless you"

I did not even know I was crying until a tear slipped out of my eyes. All what I said is true. I would really miss my bestie. People began clapping for me. I handed the mic back to the Mc before heading back to my seat.

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