Not mine

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These past few months has been hell. I've never gone through moment has hard as this.

  My marriage is not as it used to be. Khalifa has changed Totally. He keeps late night, he doesn't interact with me in the house, he hardly eats my food. He has stopped acting like my husband.

Not just Khalifa, his family has turned their back against me. Expect his sisters. His mother had shown it to my face how she feels. His grandmother also called me a barren. They have made their intentions know about getting him a second wife.

I am all alone. No one. I have cried to a point I've lost all tears, I have begged attention. This was never the type of life I wished for. This is pure torture.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it is almost 11pm. Khalifa is still not back home. I'm not surprised because this is not the first time such is happening. But the most annoying thing is I prepared dinner couple of hours ago. I ate already. It has come to a stage where we stop eating together.

Just then , the door opened and he entered. I greeted Hi but he ignored. He  headed up the stairs.

"I prepared Dinner should I serve your plate "  I asked.

"I ate already" he said as he climbed the stair way. I bit on my lips trying to suppress the anger I feel.  I stood up from the couch and went upstairs.

First I stopped at Bala room. She was sleeping already, I needed to ask her something but I wouldn't bother. So I went into my room..

When I got into my room.khalifa was making a call. He had his back turned to me so he didn't notice me.

He laughed  "no.... Seriously... I never  thought that of you. .... I know you of course you can do it...... Really... You're such a naughty girl... Yes I love it "

I cleared my throat, he turned to me. He turned back and headed to the bathroom

Naughty girl.

Wait, is khalifa doing what I think he might be doing.

No, he can't .. he loves me .


It has been  a while since we did it. He doesn't make the move at all and if I try, he just ignores me.

I need Khalifa now. How does he expect us to have babies if he wouldn't even touch me. I'm not a Virgin Mary of some sort. I need my husband.

So I thought of something different, add some spice. I just hope this works.
I just had a bath,I went into the closet. I picked out the Red  Lingerie I just bought. I put it on. After I was done, I brushed my hair and let it down. Then I sprayed prefume on my body. I applied Makeup,the best I can. After doing all of that, I headed out.

I saw he was typing away on his phone. I gulped hard. I am nervous as you can imagine. I just hope he loves all of this.

I rested my head on the door, staring at him. He turned his gaze to me. He was taken aback by what he saw. He rose a brow ,I smiled at him and start walking towards him. He watched me intently as I try my finest  seductive towards him.

When I got to him, I collected the phone from him and placed it on the shelve. I then climbed on the bed , sat on his laps. I wrapped my arms around his neck . He kept staring at me as I did all this . His eyes never left mine. I bit my lips and gave the most lustful look ever seen.

I brought my lips forward and began kissing all over his neck. I finally found my way to his lips and kissed him passionatly. For a while, he didn't do anything but later he kissed me back. Our lips starts to move in sync. I pulled off his shirt and went back kissing him. I trailed the kisses down his neck ,all over his face. He wrapped his hands around my waist kissing me back. I grinded my hips on him intention.

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