Greatest fear

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I resumed work already. I came back to my normal life. Khalifa already came to my parents to ask for my hand in marriage formally. And of course they agreed

I'm yet to meet khalifa's mom. The last time I traveled to Abuja, I was supposed to meet her but she travelled out of the country.

So this weekend I'm meeting with Khalifa's mom. I just arrived Abuja. I had a taxi take me to khalifa's house.
I went in and opened the door with my keys. Khalifa is at work. I went to the room, Took a shower, I changed into something comfortable. Some of my clothes are here.

I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when Khalifa came back. He walked into the house. I heard him call my name.

"In here"  I answered.

He came in the kitchen still wearing his suit. His tie loosed but still around his neck. He came closer,wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed me on my forehead.

"When did you arrive?' He asked.


He looked behind me and saw what I was doing. "What are you cooking"

I smiled "Amala,Ewedu and gbegiri soup scattered with assorted meat " I explained.

A huge grin plastered on khalifa's face "that what I love most about my yoruba princess. Always giving me those special delicacies" I smiled.

"Go take a shower. This should be ready in the next 5 minutes "

"Yes ma'am" he pecked my lips before going out of the kitchen. I continued with what I was doing...

I served the food and Khalifa and I ate.

"How was work today " I tried to start a conversation

"Stressful as always but i'm used to it by now. What about you. How was your flight "

"Fine, I came here after i closed from work. But honey, I'll be leaving on Sunday. I have lots of work to do on Monday.” I tried to explain.

Khalifa looked somehow disappointed " I can't wait for all this to end when you finally become my wife. Then I can have you to myself. "He said.

"Just little time left baby" I replied looking at the ring on my last finger. I touched it.

One thought hit my mind. Tomorrow I get to meet Khalifa's mom. The daughter of the former president of the country. What if she doesn't like me what if she doesn't agree to this union. What would I do.

Khalifa noticed my change in mood. He placed his hands on my "what is wrong baby"

I forced a fake smile. "Nothing"

"Anu I know you. I've been with you for almost a year now and I know if something's wrong. Tell me what is it?  " he asked concerned.

The worried look came back to my face. "I'm scared" I muttered

"Why?" He retorted giving me a questioning look.

"What if your mom doesn't like me. What if she rejects me. "

He sighed "sweetheart. You have nothing to worry about. My mom is a very nice person and she'll love you. I'm her only son and she'll love what I love so you have no problem " he assured.

"Are you sure "I asked.

"Hundred percent. Now eat your food"

I continued eating. After dinner, I did the dishes.I went upstairs took shower. Changed into my nightie. When I cane in the room Khalifa was laying in the bed already in his night wear.

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