Wedding Dinner

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I glanced through my phone again.

Nothing yet

It is the wedding Fathia today, The men of the house are in the central mosque finalising my wedding with Khalifa's family.

I stayed home, few of my friends are here with me. My mom and aunties are also here with me. We haven't heard anything from anybody, no calls, no text , nothing, not even from Khalifa himself. I haven't heard from him so day, the time I saw him was last night after the Kamu celebration.

I just need to know how things are going over there. I need to be sure everything is going smoothly. This anxiety is eating me up.

I sat on the couch in my mom's room. Salamat is with me. I had to leave my room for the girls. They were not helping my situation so I came to my mom's room. I wore a lilac blouse on a purple wrapper. My hair was covered with a purple wrapper also.

The door opened and my mom walked in. We walked towards her wardrobe to get something.

"Mommy, have heard anything?" I asked.

"No my dear, I'll tell you if I hear anything " she left the room. I turned to Salamat

"What about you, gave Aazim called, did he tell you anything. "

"Haba, I've been with you all day, did you see me receive any call. I'm sure they're busy. You don't have to act like that , everything would be fine " I nod slightly.

"What was that woman saying yesterday. The one that placed her hands on my cheek. " I asked

"I don't know, I couldn't hear what she was saying. You were surrounded by those women yesterday, so I can't say but i guess she was complimenting you or so"

"Do you know she's my mother-in-law's stepmom."

"Really ?"

"While the twins were taking me around, introducing me to everyone of them. They told me who she was "

"Wow, for her to come all the way to Lagos. That is something girl "

"I know right" My phone went off signifying I had an incoming call. I saw it was Khalifa

I answered the call

"Baby, what's happening over there. Is everything okay, did everything turn out well, Please tell me"

"Babe call down" I heard him laugh "can you remember I made a promise to you. I made a promise to always protect you, to love you, I promised to make you the happiest woman in life Remember? Can you also remember that I promised to make you my wife"

"Well let me be the first to announce to you that I have finally fulfilled my promise of making you a Mrs Muhammadan. You are officially my wife baby and trust me to fulfil the rest of my promises as I'll make you the happiest woman in this world. I'll do everything in my power to make you smile , I'll do everything to protect you. You know I gat you and I'll always love you "

"I would forever love you too. Wow I can't believe it finally over "

"Believe it baby. You're finally mine. "

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