Bonus chapter ( Khalifa's POV)

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Childhood was such a wonderful experience for me. I was born into a family filled with love and laughter. My parents were so in love even after so many years of marriage. And they spread the love to their kids.  I  have five sisters. Two elder twins who are five years older than I am and three younger siblings.

Being the only son came with lots of responsibility. From a very young age, Baba had been training me on how to be a man, a good businessman, a good brother, a good father and a good husband. He taught me I was to protect my loved ones every time. He told me, I was to protect my sisters, he said I was their mini Baba.  Baba started teaching me about business. Everything I needed to know. All I know now is all thanks to baba.

I traveled most of my childhood. Every vacation we got, we travelled to different cities all around the world.  We always went on family vacations and the memories are beautiful.

After completing my secondary Education in one of the most prestigious schools in Abuja and the whole of Nigeria. I got admission into Harvard business school.  So I had to leave the country to study.

I was so wild while I was young. I partied, had fun and had lots of girls. My good looks was also a bonus.  I could have any girl I wanted both home and abroad, girls  wanted me. They wanted Khalifa muhammadan. I was the player of all time. Ladies men.  You can't blame me, I was just living my life.

During my third  year in college, Baba fell in and died. I was shattered. My whole world collapsed. I wasn't myself anymore.  Baba was my hero, my rock. I looked up to him for everything.  I fell into depression after his Demise.  I was broken.   

Not just me but Mami also. He was the love of her life, her first love, her husband, the father of her children.  Mami used to be a loving and sweet  woman but after Baba's  death , she wasn't the same. She changed.

I returned to college but I still wasn't in my right senses, my grades dropped drastically. I fell into a deep depression. I was sucidal for a while but my elder sisters helped. They stayed with me and helped me through the tough time.  Slowly I began picking up the pace.

After graduation, I returned to Nigeria and I faced the bigger responsibility.  Baba left his Empire to me. He handed some properties to my sisters also but I was the sole owner of the Muhammadan Empire.  I knew what awaited my future but In all honesty, I wasn't ready. I was just 24 years old. What do you expect a 24 years old man to do with an empire.  I was so unsure but I had no choice but to take responsibilities.

I barely had time for myself. I had no time to build relationships but I still lived life in my own way. I knew I couldn't commit myself to one person so I just tell them from the on set what I want and if they are cool with it we kick things off.

For few years this went smoothly. A young man living life, the way he thought was convenient for him. But then Mami and Hajiya Mami wouldn't let me rest. Hajiya Mami is Mami's mother. We love her to death but sometimes she can be a pain in the ass.  They began pestering me to find a girl to marry. It got to a stage they already started picking out girls for me. Of course I don't want that. I don't want to spend my life with a total stranger. I wanted to experience love, the way my parents did.

Finding love was not easy. Especially for a Billionaire mogul. All of Abuja girls just wanted me simply because I am Khalifa Muhammadan.  The pressure from Hajiya Mami was becoming unbearably yet finding true love seems to be an hard task.

Aazim has been my childhood friend. He announced he was getting married and we were all happy for him. Aazim and Muhammad travels to Lagos most times. Muhammad because his mum lives there , while Aazim, because his girlfriend Salamat lives there. I met Salamat couple of times during her visit to  Abuja. 

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