Months later

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I watched as he walked past me into the closet. I still haven't told him about the pregnancy and it's been a week now since i found out.  How would I? he wouldn't even talk to me. He treats me like a total stranger. But I can't hide this from him forever. He needs to know that  he's going to be a father.

"Ahmad, there's something  I need to tell you"  I spoke. He paid me no attention He searched through  the drawers.

"Are you even listening ?" I asked getting  aggravated

"I am not deaf " he said simply still minding about his business. I sucked my teeth.

"I'm pregnant" I blunt out. He stopped abruptly and looked at me. He rose a brow "you said what?"

"I'm pregnant..... Two months"

He stood properly. "How did this happen. You getting pregnant. You're not the virgin Mary of some sort so where did this come from"


Did he just... Has he forgotten... How could he

"I see I really mean nothing to you. That night really didn't mean anything to you for you to have forgotten" I said spiteful.

He stayed quiet for a while thinking "shit... I fucked up. I fucked up big time " he mummbled.

"You're saying you fucked up getting your wife pregnant.. Khalifa. Is that what you're saying " i cried.

"I didn't say that. Stop putting words in my mouth. What has happened has happened nothing can be done after all. "

"Now that a baby is on the way can you please not marry Doyin "

He laughed hysterical. "Please stop joking. You being pregnant doesn't stop me from marrying her. I'm not marryin her because of a child but because I love her"

"Khalifa you love her... You love Doyin. What do you you feel for me then "

He walked closer to me placed his hands on my shoulders. "Anu to be honest, when I met you. I really loved you . I loved you so much that was why I married you. Now I've found a woman I love more.. Soo..." He shrugs

" I don't see a reason why you keep making a fuss out of this. It's not like I'm divorcing you. You are still my wife. You'll be my first wife. Stop making it difficult"

"But Ahmed I can't stand seeing you with another woman. It kills me. .. I...I"

"Anu stop it,don't talk about this again. My decision is made and there's nothing you or anybody can do about it "

"I need you now more than ever, I'm in the most delicate stage of my life.. Ahmad you  more than anyone else understand how much i need you during this period. "  i fought back my tears

"Am not about  to do this with  you today " he walked  past me into the bathroom.   Tears streamed down my cheeks as i watched him walk away. 

I'm fed up.  I don't  even know what to do  again.  

Months later....

These past few months has been the most delicate period of my life. I'm currently on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy.

Weeks after I told Khalifa about the baby and the way he reacted, I fell into depression and I almost lost my baby. I was admitted in the hospital for over a week and the doctor placed me on bed rest because of how critical my condition  is .

I've been in this house for over six months and is it boring.... It is pure torture. All my life, I've never been this indoor kind of person. It is so annoying, being locked up here. Seeing all these walls over and over again. There are days I thought of escaping, lol,  but the thought of bringing this bundle of joy inside of me out to this world gives me strength to keep going. My baby has been my motivation all these while. He keeps me going. I still don't know what am  having but I feel it's a boy. And I'm super excited to meet him. He's the only one giving me this strength to move on.

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