Best Man Ever

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"I'm coming" I yelled to whoever is at the door ringing my door bell. I covered the pot, cleaned my hand with a napkin before leaving the kitchen.

I walked in the living room, towards the door. I unlocked the door and opened only to meet my greatest suprise. My mouth wide opened still not believing who's in front of me

"Won't you let me in " he said. He came forward, pecked my lips before walking in

"Anu come in" he said when I still stood still.

"Khalifa, I called you not less than 30 minutes ago, why didn't you tell me you were coming over" I closed the door and followed behind him

He sat on the couch,I stood in front of him with my hands wrapped around my chest waiting for him to reply

"Your boyfriend, the one you haven't seen in a month, is here to suprise you and you're bombarding him with questions. Who does that."

"Anuoluwapo, the girlfriend of Khalifa does that." I retorted

He pulled me to his laps and hugged me. " the one he loves so much" he kissed my lips "I miss you baby"

"I miss you tell me why you're in Lagos"

"I have this meeting tomorrow. My workers are staying in a hotel but why stay in one when my girlfriend lives around. So i'm here"

"Oh," was all I said.

"I missed you Anu" he said trailing kisses all over my face. I fell for it and Kissed him back.
I was so engrossed in the kiss that I forgot I was cooking. When I remembered, I jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

I quickly turned off the cooker because the food has started burning. I sighed loudly and turned to get something. That was when I saw Khalifa at the entrance resting on the wall with his hands on his chest.

"See what you've caused now"

"What did I do"? he asked softly with a smirk

"When you'll be kissing somebody. " he walked towards me, wrapped his hands around my waist.

"But you love it when I kiss you. Huh? Don't you?" He trailed kisses down my neck

I pushed him away "leave me joor" I said blushing.

"What did you cook" he opened the pot and immediately threw the cover. He opened the pot with his bare hands and that thing is hot like silly. I laughed hard.

I picked the cover and threw in in the sink. " how do you do that....hold that hot thing"

"Its called being a woman....are you hungry" i asked bringing out plates from the shelve

"Yes pleeassee. I've not eaten since morning"

"Eya Pele oko mi "

"What did you say?" He asked perplexed

"I said sorry"

"I thought mae bini is sorry" I laughed hard because he totally pronounced it wrong.

"Its ma binu, not whatever you called it and ma binu means don't be annoyed....olodo" (dullard)

"Thank you..... I gonna go take a shower then we can eat" he said leaving the kitchen.

"Ok boo" I said and began putting the food in the plates


We've eaten, I did the dished already. Khalif is in my room working on his laptop. I locked the door and headed to my room.

IMPERFECTION (AN INTERCULTURAL  LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now