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All is well between my baby and I, I can't be happier. Khalifa's mom has made different attempt to separate us but none worked. We are now stronger that ever.

I'm travelling to Abuja today. Its Wednesday. I requested for three days leave and I was granted. I'm leaving today because Salamat gave birth to a bouncing baby boy last Friday. This Friday is the naming ceremony. And I can't miss it for the world. I would also use the opportunity to spend some time with the love of my life.


I just arrived Khalifa's house when my phone starts  ringing. I checked and it happens to be Khalifa. I answer the call and placed it on my ear.

"Hi baby. I was just about to call you. I just got inside the house right now " I said.

"OK that's nice. I also called to check up on you. Hope you're flight was not stressful" he asked.

"Slightly but its fine. What would you like me to prepare.?"

"Surprise me" he said and I can bet my last card he's smiling now.

"OK, will try but right now I need to shower and then go over to Salamat's I can't wait to see the baby " I informed.

"My love you just said you're stressed and now you haven't even relaxed yet. Sweetheart, rest  its not that you won't see the baby. You can visit later " I pout.

"But I......"

"No buts love. Go upstairs take a relaxing shower. Sleep......."

"But I don't feel like Sleeping....". I pout again.

He sighed " then watch TV you seriously need it. You can spend the whole of tomorrow with the baby.but now rest. OK ?"

I nodded as if he was here "OK. "

"I love you and I'll be back soon "

"I love you too baby" I said before hanging up.

I did as Khalifa had told me. I prepared dinner before Khalifa arrived. We had dinner together before watching a movie and then afterwards .


I spent the whole of Thursday with Salamat and the baby. The baby is so handsome and chubby. A striking resemblance between him and Aasim. We also prepared for the next day which was the naming ceremony. Salamat's sisters and her sister in law were there to help her also. When it was evening, Khalifa came over to pick me and we went home, had dinner and slept.

Friday, the naming ceremony went well also. The baby was named Abdul. We had fun and enjoyed. Khalifa kept telling me how much he'll like us to have a child.

Its Saturday, I'm home alone, Khalifa said he was going over to his mom's house because she called him last night telling him to come today.

I know she'll try her usually way to try to break us up but Khalifa and I are so in love.

I sat on the couch in the living room. The TV was on but my attention wasn't  there. I was checking some entertainment blogs. I ate Pringles as I pressed on my phone.

"Baby?Baby" Khalifa called as he came in but stopped when he saw me. He came closer, kissed both cheeks before sitting beside me. A huge grin on his face. ..

"Guess what" he said.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him and cracked a smile " I can't think of anything right now so its better you start talking "

He sighed "My mom has agreed to our union" he said. My eyes widened almost popping out.

"Khalifa stop joking" I chuckled lightly

IMPERFECTION (AN INTERCULTURAL  LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now