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Tomorrow is the big day. My babies would be a year old tomorrow. It feels so so unreal. I can't believe its been a year since i birthed the two most beautiful, most precious, most important human beings I've know. I've had them for just a year yet it feels like I've known them my whole life.

We're throwing them their very first birthday party tomorrow. I and one of the best event planner in Abuja have been planning this party for months now. We've done everything in our power to make it a fabulous day . Afterwards it's their first birthday party.

we rented a hall not to far from home for the celebration and decorations started today, everything would be completed by tomorrow.

"Baby... its late already, you need to get some sleep" Ahmad said coming into the children's nursery.

" I just need to make sure their outfits are in perfect order. i just want everything to be organized " I replied still doing what i was doing

Ahmad grabbed me by my waist and then turned me around so now, I'm facing him.

" Everything is going to be alright. you've been planning this party for months now and you have the best event planner in Abuja if not Nigeria."

" I just don't know... i.. i " I stutterd trying to form a sentence , nothing seems to come out

" Habibty ... You're just anxious.. its going to be okay alright... just calm down " I gave a slight not . He pulled me into an embrace.

" I still can't believe its been a year already.. i don't understand where time ran off to . It seems so unreal, so soon. I remember vividly how tiny they looked. Even if it wasn't much i still remember how labour was... That was the most crucial, the most vulnerable moment of my life. I hated pain so much but i wouldn't mind going through it again and again if it means I'll have my precious babies with me." I stated. He placed his hands on my back rubbing it up and down

"I'm sorry" he muttered. I lifted my head from his chest and gave him a questioning look.

"For everything.. for not being there when you needed me the most.. for not being there to witness the birth of our children. I'm truly sorry Habibty"

" Please stop it Ahmad. That is all in the past now.. I've accepted it was destined to happen. The most important thing is that you're here with us now everything is forgiven."

" Thank you baby.. For giving me the best gift ever.. my only children " I let go of his embrace

" No.. no.. As much as i hate to admit it.. you still have another child on the way.. Doyin is pregnant with your baby. And Ahmad you really need to stop all this you're doing. Do not punish your child for the sins of his or her mother. Regardless of everything Doyin has done, the child is yours and he'll need you in his life starting now."

"Anu stop saying that. Do you know how cunning Doyin can be. She's doing all this just to separate us once again and I'm not having that. It is you i want. Only you and the twins . I accept the child is mine and if he's born, I'll accept my responsibility not before. I provide Doyin with everything she need. That should be enough "

"But baby.."

"Can we not talk about this again.. please " I nodded slightly.

"Com'ere" he pulled me closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist . "Now that the twins are a year old... don't you think its time they get a younger brother or sister probably both "

I frowned instantly " Ahmad! They're just one okay.. You need to understand its not easy taking care of two kids yet you want me to add another one.. please o don't kill me " he laughed

"But you know if I really want to get you pregnant, you can't stop me " he winked

"Let me see you try" we burst out laughing.

" But on a more serious note, I love you Anuoluwapo " he said in all seriousness

" I love you too Ahmad " he planted a kiss on my lips. He picked me up bridal style and led me into our bedroom. He placed me gently on the bed still kissing me . I wrapped my hands firmly around him. He stopped briefly just to turn off the light then continued.

Next day

The twins were up early today. I guess it's because today is their birthday. They don't know what today really is but i feel that's why they woke up early . I gave them a bath and fed them before dressing them casually .

Khalifa and i sang them a birthday song and they joined us to have breakfast. It felt just like a perfect family. I am so grateful for this precious gift the Almighty has bestowed unto me.

It was almost time for the party. I got them dressed for the day before getting dressed myself. Khalifa too got ready . we got into an Suv. I only drive this Suv when making errands and i need the twins and my girls with me. It's more spacious. Khalifa drove in another car but followed behind us.

We got to the venue and not much guest was here but everything looked fantastic. Just the way I wanted. Soon guest began pouring in and the party began. Lots of games were played. We danced. We partied and had fun. Food was surplus from local delicacies to foreign cuisines. Lots of candy for the kids. The children had lots of fun.

"Hi" Zarah, khalifa immediate sister approached me.


" This is such a beautiful party you have thrown for the kids. Well done.. Do you think we can talk " she asked nervously.

"Right now " she nods.

"No problems " she led the way to the female's restroom

" i know i haven't been the nicest to you in years. I treated you like trash, like you weren't worthy of my brother, i know i have said hurtful things to you.. I just beg that you please forgive me for everything i did . For every insults, for everything.. please forgive me "

"Haba zarah, I know you felt you had your brother's best interest in heart. I know you felt you were trying to protect him. I understand and I'm not angry at you. Seriously "

She burst out crying... " From the bottom of my heart i sincerely apologise.. I now know what you felt I'm going through the same thing you went through. My fiance's sister is acting the same way towards me. His elder sister. She hates my gut, she's making life miserable for me. I feel I'm being punished for everything i did to you... I'm sorry "

" I'm sure she doesn't hate you. She feels she's protecting her brother. You just have to be patient with her. Take things easy. And if your fiance really loves you, that's all that really matters. The rest would later grow to accept your love. Just don't think about it and i have no hard feelings towards you. After all youre my husband's sister, please wipe your tears" i wiped her tears for her.

"Thank you very much... khalifa is so lucky to have you. "

" he's lucky to have you as well. You're a good sister who has her brother's interest in heart." She just blushed "so when is the wedding , he proposed already ba"

"Yes he proposed few months ago. His family is planning to set up a meeting with Mami and of course Khalifa since he's like a father figure to me"

"Oh.. no problems then... I really can't wait. We haven't really had any weddings in the family. I need to get my dancing shoes ready.. Don't worry about the planning i got you covered ' We laughed together. She hugged me.

"Thank you. You're the best" I just smile.

"Lets go enjoy the party"

We walked outside together still with that smile. I got raised brows from salamat. I'm sure confused. Khalifa looked confused also but he ended up smiling.

The party continued..

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