First weekend

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I stuttered my eyes open and was greeted by the ray of  sunlight  that managed to get in . I checked beside me and saw khalifa was not on the bed. I sat up ,yawned. I looked around the room. The window bind was closed but its obvious the sun is up. The light of the room is dim.

I got out of bed and stretched. I walked into the bathroom. Peed and brushed my teeth. I  decided to check around  the house for khalifa

Downstairs, I checked the living room , he was not there. I was feeling thirsty so I went into the kitchen to get some water.

I walked in and saw Khalifa doing something. His back faced to me. He was wearing a sweat pants and a wife beater.

"I've been looking around for you" I said and he turned around, He smiled. "What are you doing" i went to the fridge to get water.

"Making coffee. How was your night" he asked. I drank my water and turned to him "peaceful"

"Why are you sweating" I asked because he's seriously sweating.

"I just finished my early morning workout" he tried to hug me but I moved back. I shook my head "No, get freshened up and then you can get a hug. a kiss maybe" I smirked

"Maybe?'re joking right" he raised his brows. I laughed. I turned back to return the cup but before I could turn around ,He  hugged me from back.

"Khalifa!!" He was laughing. I couldn't help but laugh also. "Seriously stop get freshened up first. I'm going back to the room to have my bath"

"Can I come" I rolled my eyes at him. He chuckled "i'm just joking" I hit his chest and walked out. I was about to leave the kitchen when I heard

"Khalifa" a female voice said. Before I knew it. A short fair busty lady walked in with a white towel tied around her chest. She stopped on her track when she saw me

I stopped also. I looked her up and down and she did the same to me. I looked at khalifa. He looked unfazed as if nothing is happening.

Me on the other hand, guess what can be going on in the mind if an African lady in situations like this.

"Khalifa who's this" she asked with an  attitude.  I glanced at Khalifa waiting for what he would say

Khalifa came closer to me, he wrapped his hands around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. He pecked my cheeks before saying

"Anu meet Racheal my friend and she's also my assistant. Racheal meet Anu my girlfriend"

The lady froze when  she heard girlfriend. "GI...girlfriend. You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend"

"I don't have to start announcing to everyone that I have a girlfriend.

She kept staring at  with an attitude. I folded my hand on my Chest and looked back at her.

"What do you want in the first place. Why did you come down with a towel"

I still was not pleased that she's here in the first place with a towel wrapped around her chest Khalifa sure has some explaing to doI excused myself and went back to the room.

Khalifa walks in the room as I was brushing my hair. When I came to the room,I waited for him for like five minutes but when he didn't show up I took my bath. He spent approximately 35 minutes downstairs.

"She left" he said. I ignored him. and continued with what I was doing.

"Hey" he came in front of me "what happened" he wrapped his hands around my waist. I tried to look away but he held my chin and brought my face to his.

I sighed "who's that lady"

"I told you. She's Racheal, my personal assistant”

"Why is you assistant in your house this early morning walking around with nothing but a towel"

"It not what you're thinking babe. She came this morning to discuss some things. Then she spilled water on her clothe by mistake. That's why I asked her to dry her cloth in the laundry room"

"Then why is she walking around with a towel. She even called you Khalifa, no sir ,nothing"

"She came to ask me how to operate the machine"

"Oh,so she's so dumb that she doesn't know how to operate a washing machine"

"Wait don't tell me you're jealous"

"I'm not but I don't just get why she's acting like she owns this place."

He led me to the bed. He sat down and pulled my to his laps. "You don't have to worry about anything or anyone. Its just you. Only you. And Again Racheal is also a good friend of mine . I love you just remember that"

"I love you too. Go take your bath. Let me prepare breakfast " I stood up from his laps.

I decided to prepare oatmeal since its a beautiful Saturday morning. Khalifa came into the kitchen as I was about to start arranging the plates in the dinning table. He was wearing a jean trousers and a white v neck shirt. His hair neatly brushed to the back no doubt about it my boyfriend is handsome

"You like what you see" he said as he caught me staring.

"For your mind" I carried the food out to the dinning table. I arranged everything. We sat down and began eating.

"It's been long I've had this" he said referring to the meal.

"Wait sef,  I've been wanting  to ask you. How do you feed. I mean do you cook or what?"

"I'm not that good of a cook. I try my best but I have this lady that cooks for me. I pay her and she prepare whatever I ask her to and keep it in the freezer then I warm if i'm ready to eat”

"Oh. Okay"

"Oh my goodness!! I forgot. I haven't bought my ticket"

"What ticket" Khalifa asked

"Plane ticket of course. I'm going back to lag tomorrow or have you forgotten"

"You're not going" he said. I rose an eyebrow.

"Excuse you, i'm just here to spend the weekend not live here" I said with an attitude

"But we haven't even spent time together. I don't want you to go. Just stay" Khalifa pouts.

"Baby I have to go. My work is back in Lagos and I have to be at work on Monday. I have lots of things to do. Just understand"

"Alright then why don't you leave on Monday. We can spend the whole of tomorrow together. What about that?"

"Khalifa, that would be too much stress for me and you know it. I have to be at work early. Please understand"

"I'll get you the first flight to Lagos Monday. Just stay please" he looked at me with those cute eyes and I couldn't resist

"Okay I'll stay" A huge smile plastered in his face. He took my hands in his and kissed the back of my hand.

After eating Khalifa and I went out. We went to the mall to get some things. We later went to salamat and Aazim's house. We stayed there till night fall before heading home. 

The next day being Sunday. Khalifa and I spent the whole day indoor. We played games talked about stuffs, ate, cuddled. I enjoyed every bit of it.

Early Monday morning by 6 ,Khalifa drove me to the airport, he had already purchased my ticket. It wasn't easy for him simply because  he wanted me to stay but I had things to do in Lag. We later kissed and said our goodbyes and then I boarded the plane back to Lagos

Best weekend of my life

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