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Wow  I really cannot contain my excitement.   If only you can understand what  you guys have done for me. 

The idea of this story popped into my head one night and I wrote  the first chapter  and I was like wow.. let me write more.  I started writing this story in 2018.  Yes! a long time ago.  I don't even know what took me this long to publish it.   Probably I wasn't ready yet.  As the idea kept popping in my head, I kept writing the chapter.  I guess I wrote about 45 chapters already  before I finally decided to publish the first chapter

I must confess I didn't know what to expect.   The very  first book I published, I had to take down for some reasons.   I wanted this to  be better than  the first two I ever published.  After publishing the first fifteen to twenty chapters , I was impressed with the feedbacks I got which encouraged me to write more.  I edited the books the best way I could and tried to publish  it as fast as i could so as not to leave my wonderful readers waiting.

You guys have made me happy so far with the way you reacted to the story.  Hopeful I was able to make you happy just  the way you  did me

I'm  not sure but probably, some bonus chapters might be included.  in the later future

I want to say a very big thank  you to everyone of  you that took time to read my book.  To you guys who voted  you're the real Mvp.  To all of you  who commented and shared  your opinions you guys  are a big blessingThank you so much I love you. 

This brings us to the  announcement.  So i just published a new book.  KEEPING HER A SECRET.    Keeping Her A Secret is a short story.  I have other books I'm writing but I'm not so sure about publishing  them yet that's why I'm giving you guys this  for the main time.  Yes it is a Nigerian themed story and I promise that you'll love it. 

It's a short story like I said so it wouldn't be more that ten to fifteen  chapters.  Please I beg that you check the book out also. 

I'll  love if  you guys show this book love the way you've showed imperfection.   Pls read, add to your library, comment and most importantly  vote

Thank you very  much for your support so far.  I really do appreciate you guys.  I love you all. 

And please don't forget to stay safe out there... Covid 19 is real. Social distancing is important 

IMPERFECTION (AN INTERCULTURAL  LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now