D's Identity

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I got invited to Khalifa's grandmother's house talking about there's something important they have to tell me.  I'm not sure of what it is but I have a complete bad feeling about this. I have this feeling that something is about to go wrong but I just can't place my mind on it.

I left work very early leaving everything I had to do just to get there early so they wouldn't have anything to complian about. I got there ten minutes earlier than the expected time. I was left alone in the living room,  that didn't bother me, I kept my cool.

Khalifa's mom and Hajiya mami  came out, I went on both knees and greeted then , they replied but it was obvious it wasn't genuine. I still kept my cool.  Both woman sat opposite me staring at me. I waited for them to start  and tell me me what was going on.

Hajiya Mami cleared her throat and spoke. "my dear, we all know how things are and I'm sure you might know why I called you here. It's been over three years now and you've been married to my grandson yet no child. I liked you from the day I saw you, you are a good girl and I Saw you are good for Ahmad since he liked you. But things haven't turned out as I expected it to be. Your husband is not growing any younger, so are you. You mother in law and I have called you here to tell you something important "

She spoke. I listened quietly as they spoke even though I was pissed. She's saying it as if I was never pregnant. They still didn't say that, they didn't talk about all I went through losing two pregnancies. All they are saying is am a barren. That cool. I'm all hears.

"You Husband called our attention to something important and I feels it's proper if you know. I know this is also normal  in your culture" this time my mother in law spoke.  "Your husband loves you, no doubt but this is for the betterment of everyone. " She paused

"Since you couldn't give him what he wants, Ahmad has decided to take another wife"

Another wife

Khalifa marrying  another wife

Wait, am I hearing wrong? NO like she just said another wife. Wow. And she said betterment  of everyone... Of who

"I know he haven't told you yet. I just wanted to give you a heads up . I understand this isn't easy for you but then, he is not  growing any younger and he needs children. I really hope you understand. "

I went on both knees, " thank you ma. I've heard everything you've said but I'm sorry I'd love to take my leave now" I said simply and stood up carried my bag and left out.

I wasn't trying to be rude, that was the main reason I left because if I stayed I would react and I dont want to do something I would regret later. Right now I need answers and only one person can do that.

"I walked into his office , saw him talking on his phone, his smiled dropped when he saw me . He hung up and watched as I took my seat on his couch, I place my bag on his table.

"I was just coming from your grandmother's and your mom gave me quite some interesting news... Who's she " I asked going straight to the point. He got up from his seat , and sat on the desk looking at me.

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