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It has almost been two weeks since I had that argument with Khalifa. I have refused to see him even though he tried to talk to me whenever he visits.  I avoid him in every possible way, sometimes I leave the house.  He left messages for me, asking to speak with me but I turned deaf hears to all that. The only reason he's allowed in the house is the twins.

So this weekend, my grandmother would be celebrating her 70th birthday in a grand style. It's a huge party and the party would be taking place in lagos. ..

Ever since the twins were born, they have never traveled out of the Abuja. It was quite stressful for them when we landed.

We stayed in my parents house. The twins slept with me while Bala and Sarah shared Bose my mom's maid room.  We arrived Lagos  Tuesday night. The party is tomorrow Saturday.  

Preparation has been going on for months. Mummy Abuja also traveled down to Lagos . She arrived yesterday.
Khalifa was also invited. My mom felt it was important he was present. Regardless of the situation, he's still family. Salamat would have attended but she had things to attend to also. Aazim's family also have an occasion tomorrow so she has to be there.

The party spirit is in the air. Not that we're cooking or anything because that has already been handled by the caterers.  We were just having fun in our on way. Music playing but not too loud. She munched on some snacks and fruit wine and enjoyed in preparation for the next day.

I strapped Iman to my back with a wrapper. She's been cranky all day for no reason. Her brother is having fun , laughing and dancing along with the music.

I suggested we fried more prawn crackers since my youngest Brother was craving for some and I also wouldn't mind . I went into the kitchen and started with the preparation.  I wasn't planning on doing much so it wouldn't waste.

Just as I was trying the second set, my mom walked in to pick another cubes if blocks because my dad needed  them. She passed by me and took out of the already made prawns. She tried playing with Imran but she flinched her off.  Balaraba came into the kitchen , she moved closer to me, saw my mom and was reluctant to tell me something. She finally whispered it into my ear

"What is he doing here.  Why did he come here!!" I yelled.

"I don't know ma. He's just asked to see you and the twins"

"Tell him to leave now... What nonsense "

"What is going on " my mom asked.

"Khalifa is here asking to see me...can you imagine " my mom sighed. 

"My dear please leave us for a minute. Don't tell him anything, just step outside" she said to Balaraba who did as she was told.  "Anuoluwapo what is wrong with you.  For years this man left without looking  back, now he's back and you're pushing him away what more do you want "

"He has hurt me in the most unimaginable way a man can hurt his wife. How can you expect me to forgive him ", ..

"This man has realized his mistake, he's sorry for what he did. Just give him a chance   at least for the twins. They need a real family. They are still quitege young. They need the love of both parents. They need a real family. You know what I want from you now. Leave this thing you're doing, Bose would continue. Take your children and go and meet your husband , their father.  Please just do that for me ... Joor oko mi" I sighed shaking my heart.

Tears threatened to spill out but I held it in still shaking my head. Khaifa is lucky my mom was here, in only seeing him because of her.  I nodded. Went out of the kitchen,

Imran was playing with my dad when I got outside. I picked him up and headed out of the compound where khalifa was. I saw his car parked outside. The door opened and he stepped out.  I stood waiting for his actions. He went over to the passengers seat and opened the door. ..

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