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Khalifa has been acting somehow since his grandma visit yesterday. He has been in his own personal space. I try to talk to him but he wouldn't even talk to me and it's killing me

I felt leaving him alone for sometime would sort things. I decided to leave him to clear his mind and wait till he's ready to talk to me.

I laid on the gazeboo strolling through social media. Bala placed the glass of juice I requested beside me.  She was about to leave but turned back.

"Aunty there's something I'd like to tell you "  she said. I stopped what I was doing and focused on her.  She went on both knees.

"You've been so good to me ever since I got her. You never treated me like a maid. You took me to be your younger sister. And my conscience would not be at rest if I don't tell you this "

She continued " yesterday when  Hajiya was around. I overheard her telling uncle somethings. She was telling him about you not having a child and how old he's growing. She asked..." She scratch  the back of her head nervously  "she suggested another wife to him. She even talked about a girl she feels is perfect for him.. "

"Aunty whallai I don't mean to cause any trouble in your home. I just felt you had a right to know "

" How come I didn't hear all of this. I was with them most of the time " I asked getting confused.

"They spoke in Hausa"

I can remember most of their conversation was truly in Hausa. I never thought much of it. I noticed her attitude towards me wasn't the normal way it was.  She was a little bit distance.

My worse fear is about to happen. This is what I fear the most. I know sooner or later. They would grow tired of my barreness. And her advising Khalifa to get another wife. I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose my husband. I love him so much.


I walked into the study room and saw Khalifa sitting behind the desk deep in his own thoughts.

I walked closer to him " babe are you okay "  I asked wrapping my arms around him

"Yeah... Just have a lot on my mind "

"You wanna talk about it" I planted a kiss beside his face.  Khalifa and i literally share everything

"No.. am fine"

"Are you sure" he nods.

"You know you can tell me what the problem is...."

"I've told you for fuck sake. There is  nothing wrong with me. Do I have to shout it before you know I want to be left alone. Give me a break..... Woman!! " he yelled. Snatching my hands away from him.

Tears found their way to my eyes. I can't believe Khalifa just yelled at me. Right now. He has never done it before. Never.

"Don't... You ever yell at me... am your freaking wife and I deserve the respect " I spat back.

I'm livid right now with everything I've heard earlier. With him yelling . I won't allow him disrespect me in this manner. I'm fustrated already.

I stormed out of the study room. Tears flowing out of my eyes as I went up the stairs. All I wanted was to look out for my husband. To see what was wrong with him.

I refuse to be treated in that manner. It's not pride or anything of sort. But my husband and I are matured enough to know what we want. I yelled back because I was angry and that was the first thing that came to my mind . Not that I disrespect him

I slammed the door when I got into the bedroom. I got on my bed, curled in a ball and cried my eyes out.

Khalifa yelling at me means there's trouble somewhere. In almost five years of knowing him, he has never yelled at me. If he is angry. He just walks away so as not to do something stupid. But this...

I just can't explain....

I'm scared... Really scared of losing my husband. With what Balaraba has told me and what has just happened added to my distress.

I don't know what I would do if I should lose Khalifa's love. I've grown so used to him that I can't think of my like without him.

I also don't have the heart to share him with another woman. I can't. All of this wouldn't be happening if I had a child. His family wouldn't pressure him about  getting another wife.

What have I done... Why am I different. What is my offence. I've served you Lord since I was little. I've called your names several times in different ways. I've prayed to you. Why is it that I haven't had my own child.

I need a baby.... That is all I ask for.

A blessed child.

I fell asleep while crying. I did have a dream about me rocking a child. I woke up, said a little prayer to the Almighty about making it come to pass. I got out of bed and headed out the room.

When I got to the living room, i saw Bala watching TV.

"Where's my husband" I asked causing her to look up from the screen. She saw it was me and stood up.

"He went out a while ago "  

"Can you please prepare me Noodles... Just 2.  "

"Alright ma" she said and walked passed me. I sat on the couch and continued watching what was on.

Not paying attention. I continued watching. My mind is still heavy with everything that has happened today. I can't seem to get my mind off everything and it's killing me.

And Khalifa where can he be, am just confused right now.

Just then I heard the front door open and close. I averted my gaze to the entrance and saw Khalifa  holding a box. He stopped on his track when his eyes landed on mine. I rolled my eyes before looking away. .

I got up from the couch about to leave the  living room. He walked and stood in front of me. I tried to pass by his side but he keeps obstructing me.

He chuckled lightly but I'm not finding any of this funny. I had this killer Mug plastered on my face.

"How many times do I have to tell you how you look if you frown. "He Chuckled again. "But on a low-key you look cute this time around... "

I stared at him with the meanest look ever not saying anything. If he thinks he can just come here and start cracking jokes then he's mistaken.

He sighed loudly.

" Ok I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier. I wasn't in my right mood. You know I wouldn't hurt you on purpose ...." He begged.

I rolled my eyes looking away.  " Habibty... Won't you say anything... Huh... My love, I'm sorry. I wouldn't do that again.  I promise.. .... Look I got you something "

He opened the box and in it was my favorite doughnuts. I couldn't help as a smile creep on my face.  Khalifa was grinning at me.

"I'm only gonna forgive you because you got me this. " I collected it from him. Sat  back on the couch and began eating.

Khalifa laughed at me but I ignored him " I knew you would. "

"But on a more serious note Ahmad. You don't have to yell at me. All I just wanted was to make sure you were alright "  I said . He nods.

"I promise it won't repeat itself again." He came closer and kissed me on my lips gently . He then sat beside me.

"So do you want to talk about what happened to you " I asked again

"Why don't we not talk about that " he said reluctantly.

"Okay " I ate my doughnuts . He tried to take out of it but I slapped his hands away. "That's what you get for messing up. not sharing "

He chuckled pulling me in a hug. He pecked me on my cheek

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