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I've  done everything  i can to get some  sleep but little fighter here is not helping my situation.   I turned into different positions  already still nothing worked. The kicking intensified.  I don't understand  why she has decided to punish me tonight.   Normally  she's always active around that seven to ten at night and then sleeps peacefully  for the rest of the night .  Tonight is just different. 

"Please, let me get some  sleep" i whispered hoping she's  listening.  I don't  know where  the sobs came from but i started sobbing  quietly at first but i grew louder.  I don't  even  understand  why i was crying.  

I felt Khalifa's  hand on my arm. "Are you crying?" He asked turning me over.  He turned on the light.  "My  God! Habibty why are you  crying.  Did something  happen.  Is it the baby" i shook my head no. 

He sat me up properly.  "Then why are you crying "

"I just want all of this to be over.   I can't  even get  a good night rest.  Yet I'll  get up tomorrow  morning.  I have to make sure breakfast  is done, i have  to get the twins ready for the day, i have  to see that the household activities is going fine. And if i should try to take a nap.  That is when the baby would decide to start  karate practice  in me or the twins  starts with one problem or the other.  Yet i still have dinner to prepare.   Now that  I'm  meant to enjoy  my night .  This one wouldn't  allow me.  All of this  is too much.  Its so overwhelming. " i rant on and on

"I understand  you..." he tried to say.

"No you don't!.  You do not understand  any of this.  You're not the one that is sleep deprived at 2 something  in the morning so you don't know any things.  And all of this is your Fault Ahmad.  "

"How? What did i do? "

"Yes your fault.  You were the one  that got me pregnant.   You put me into  this situation.   It's all you. "  He rubbed  his hands over his face and took a deep sigh. 

"I'm  sorry. And i cant even begin to imagine how you're  feeling.   I'm sorry for putting  you in this  situation.  But think of it this way.  You'll  be bringing our little bundle of joy into this world in a few months time.  And if there's  anything  i can do to relieve you of this stress  trust that I'll do.  And again  Habibty,  you don't  have to worry about  all those things you said.  Thats why you have helps... two at that. "

"You don't understand.  I have  to make sure everything  is on point"

"You see you're the one stressing yourself.   Have you forgotten the condition in which you are... you shouldn't even  stress about  anything.  If you feel you want more helps we'll  employ  as many as you  want." He waited  for me to say something  instead i grunt silently because little missy kicked hard. 

"Sorry babe, is there  something  i can do to help with the pain... maybe a massage" he tried touching my stomach but i pushed his hands away .  

" how about i fill the tub for you.   That should calm you down a bit."  He got out of bed and went into the bathroom.  He returned  and helped me out of bed.  He led me to the bathroom.  He pulled off my clothes  and helped me get into the tub.   The water was so warm, just the way i wanted.  I feel so relaxed.  He sat  by the tub. 

"How do you feel now" he asked.

"Why don't you come in."

"No you need to relax... I'm  fine  "

"I'll  feel much better if you're  in here with me... please" he sighed.  Pulled off his clothes. He got in and sat behind me.  I rested my back on his body.  He wrapped his arms around my bump rubbing  on it.  I rested my head on his shoulders.  I found myself relaxing .  No word was said  for a while  until Khalifa asked how i was feeling .  I just nod my head.  I'm  enjoying  this so much. ...

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