Unexpected guest

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Khalifa's mom still hasn't accepted me. This matter has caused a serious problem in the family. Khalifa's elder sisters had to come to my apartment in Lagos to meet me. They told me everything was going to be alright, and i shouldn't mind whatever their mum had said.

Things between khalifa and i haven't been all that smooth. I havent seen him in a while. I'm scared, I really I'm scared of losing Khalifa. He has assured me countless times that he had no fiancee but the fact that his mom still hasn't accepted me is quite scary. What if he suddenly change his mind and head to his mom's word.

For instance last week. I decided to go to abuja for the weekend as usual. But then I found out he travelled out of the country without informing me. I called him asking why he left without telling me and he told me it was an urgent meeting, he forgot to inform me. I spent the weekend alone in that big house.

The constant phone call has also reduced. Normally Khalifa can call me like five times during the day and we face time at night. But now he hardly call,If I take it upon myself to call him. He finds one excuse or the other to make the conversation short.

It's Saturday today, I don't go to work on Saturdays and am not ready to be stood up like the last time so I decided tospend the day with my family.

I did my normal activities,it was time for me to leave, I carried my bag and head straight to the door. I opened my door on my to meet the greatest shock of my life. The last person I ever want to see at this moment

"Hajia what are you doing here" i asked Khalifa's mom who stood elegantly in front of my door. She looked at me from head to toe before looking around. She turned back to me.

"What a nice place you got. I never expected you could be living somewhere as nice as ikoyi. "

I'm angry right now. "I will not allow you insult me in my own house when you know nothing about me. " i said with gritted teeth.

She smiled "Anuoluwapo Ramat Adesiku. Born march 7 1993. Attended mind builders for primary education. Chrisland highschool for secondary education. Gained admission into the Lagos state university, lasu in year 2010, studied mass communication. You graduated year 2014,Faculty social director. Your father Adeolu Adesiku, a formal politician. He contested for the post of local Government chairman in your community in year 2005 but then he lost the election. He gave up on politics and started a ice block company which supplies to almost all the club in Lagos. Huh..what else......yes he has other small business . Your mother Folashade Balogun Adesiku, young mother of three children. A business woman also. You have two younger brother. You work at Genevieve magazine. Your normal day to day activities. You leave your house 9 and head straight to work. You close from work 6. Your lunch break is 1. You either come back home or find someplace to go but mostly you stay at home. On Fridays after closing, you go straight to the airport board a plane and visit my son. You return early Monday morning or Sunday evening..... So what else do you want ti kmow "

She stopped. Right now I don't know how to feel. My eye widened . This woman knows every detail about my life. She knows everthing about me not more than i myself know. My breathing hitched. I stared at her and she did the same with a smirk.

She continued "did you really think i can just allow you in our family without knowing any damn thing about you. Listen to me little girl. Ahmad is my one and only son and i want what is best for him. You both are not compatible. Can't you see it. Its obvious you are blinded by the infatuation which am sure would wash off. You have a better future ahead of you so does my son . He has a fiancee and do you know who she is mariama indimi. I dont think you know her.....what am i even saying where would you have known her from. The both of them are happy together. If you dont believe me, take a look at this" She handed me an envelope.

I opened the envelope and checked inside. It was some photos. I brought out the photos from the envelope. In it was khalifa with a lady probably in her late twenties. They both of them had a pleasant smile on their faces as they sat on the sand. Its obvious they are in a beach. I checked the next one and it was a photo of the both of them lying on a bench. They were both looking at something on Khalifa's phone. What caught my attention about the picture was how she rested her head slightly on Khalifa's chest. I checked the next one and saw the lady in a bikini,she had a scarf tied around her waist but most of her thigh could be seen. She posed in front of khalifa who was sitting on the bench with a huge smirk on his face.
Wait what . The next picture. A white woman was seen passing by. That means this was outside Nigeria. The lady was seen chasing khalifa.

I'm trying all my best not to break down in front of this woman because that is what she wants, to see me broken. She spoke again.

"You know this was last weekend. He flew her to Miami so they could have a romantic getaway. So you see you're out of the the picture" she stared at me and i looked away.

Khalifa lied to me. He told me he was out on an urgent business meeting meanwhile he's having the fun of his life with another woman. Khalifa mom kept blabbing about how much the both of them match perfectly amd that is starting to piss me off. She's so annoying and rude

What am I even saying, she's the daughter of the former president. If course she's a spoilt brat

I sighed before asking "What do you want from me ma'am?"

"I came to make a deal with you. I'm sure you'll benefit alot from this. " i folded my hand on my chest and looked at her intently as she searched through her bag. She brought out a check book. Wrote on it before lookimg at me. She brought the check forward trying to hand it over to me but i didnt collect "Take this, here is a check of 10 million naira. I'm sure its more than enough for you. Take this and forget about my son. Forget you ever met him. Leave him alone "

A slight laugh erupt my mouth. " So you think you can really buy the love i have for your son for 10 million " i laughed again " Hajia please just...I've tolorated your insult up until now and i wont like to disrespect you. And dont worry about me. I'll leave your son the day he says he doesnt me again "

She smiled "you're trying go play the tough girl huh. You just lost a big oppourtunity. But i am warning you. Dont mess with me. Leave my son alone. ".

She turned to leave. She glanced at me one more time before walking out of my gate. Tears began cascading down my face. I opened the door and went back in. I ran to my room to cry.

What if Everthing Khalifa's mom said is true what if he really has a fiance. What would i do. I dont know what to think,Khalifa has changed. He doesnt call me like he used to. He hasnt visited me in weeks. He didnt tell me he was travelling. Now i found out he was with another lady.

Fresh hot tears rolled down my eyes as i though of all that.

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