Engagement ceremony.

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It is my Engagement/Yoruba tradition wedding today!!

Today, my dad is going to hand me over to Khalifa traditionally. It is a Yoruba culture. Khalifa and his family are to come to mine to seek my hand in marriage and my dad hands me over to them. Traditionally, I would become a part of their family as they had accepted  already

This is the first ceremony of my wedding, I still have a lot to do, and so of that is mostly Khalifa's culture. I love his culture and I'm comfortable and happy to participate in it.

Last night, my friends surprised me with this pyjamas party.  It was so beautiful, it was fun, we danced all night, we played games,  we talked; each ladies shared their experiences with me and how they met me. It was wonderful, we  made wishes, we even lit candles in the air (those balloon  candle lights you lit and let out to fly). It was just perfect.

Today being my engagement,the party spirit is the house.  My house is packed as one can imagine. Actually we are presently  at my parents house.  We had the bridal shower  here also so we slept over.

The party starts by 3.  Khalifa's  family arrived Lagos yesterday.  They stayed in their Lagos Mansion at Ikoyi . I got to find out that Khalifa also have houses in Lagos.  One for him at Dolphins  estate Lekki.  While another one that belonged  to his late dad at Ikoyi. Khalifa has been in Lagos for a week now. 

My friend  Adebola just finished  making my hair.  She's the CEO of Hairport at Ikeja. 

"You likee?" She asked as i checked out the hair in the mirror

"I love, Thank yoh boo" I pecked her cheeks

We heard a knock  on the door and my mom's  maid came in after we yelled 'come in ' she informed that my mom asked of we were ready to have breakfast and I told her yes. 

I entered the bathroom to relieve my self.  I heard my  friends telling me my phone was ringing and of course that were so most that they announced  who was calling.  A smile creeped on my face when I heard Khalifa was calling. I washed my hands and returned to the room. My phone was handed to me, I answered the call

"How is the most beautiful  woman in my life doing today  " I started blushing as soon as i heard his voice.
I muttered  'fine' smiling

"What are you up to over there?"

"I just finished making my  hair, Bose just brought  in breakfast, I'm  still waiting for Aunty Deola to bring my Aso-oke, I called her already and she said her assistant is on her way. That's pretty much everything.  And you, what are you up to"  the noise was starting to get unbearable  so I returned to the bathroom 

"The boys  and I just had breakfast.  I'm just waiting to marry you" I smiled

"And the rest of the family ?"

"They are fine, Summy just called to inform of the latest update and they are preparing also "

Someone knocked on the door and when I asked who was that, My friend   Diana  said "Anu your food is here o, come and it before it gets  cold"

Khalifa heard also and said "Babe, go and have your breakfast. I'll see you soon.  I love you "

"I love you too" he then hung up .  I returned to the room and Salamat was already inside with Abdul. She slept  in another room last night, I collected  Abdul from her, sat down and started eating .

Hours later

I was seated in front  of the mirror while my childhood  friend Oyindamola  did my makeup. She is the CEO of Zaisha makeovers. Her girls did make up for the rest of the girls while  she focused on me.  My Aso-oke was delivered hours ago.

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