Our love life

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"Summayah are you done chopping those veggies" I asked  my sister-in- law Summayah. She just returned to Nigeria from London where she school.

"Almost done sis" she replied. I went out of the kitchen and saw My younger cousin Funmi coming down the Stairs.

"Have you gone to buy what I sent you to get"

She gave a guilty look giving me the answer.

"Sorry sis, I'm on my way".

"Funmi this is not a joke, time is not on our side Haba" she nods

"Sorry sis, be right back" she walked fast out through the door.

I went over to meet  the decorators I hired  and saw they were doing everything perfectly.

" Aunty I have finished with what you asked me. Everything is perfectly okay outside" Balaraba my house maid told me. I nod.

I checked my phone and saw this is past 4 already. Few more hours before Khalifa gets back home.

Today is Khalifa's 32nd birthday and I'm planning a suprise birthday party for him. He has not even the tiniest idea. I had help from his youngest sister, his cousin Rahma,my younger Cousins Funmi and Momo, my maid and the decorators I hired. Summy like I would call Summaiyah has asked that she would cook the food. And who am I to argue with boss lady. ..

"Where's Rahma?" I asked.

"Here" she replied coming down the stairs.

"Sweetheart please I need a favor from you. I need you to go over to lillies and collect the cake on my behalf,just tell them from Mrs. Muhammudan and give them this receipt"

She collected the paper from me. "Okay"

"Thank you "

"Balaraba come inside the kitchen, we have work to do....."

It's past 7 already. Khalifa should be on his way home. Close friends and family are here already.

Muhammed,Fawaz, Abdul and Salamat, the twins and their husbands, Summayah, Rahma,Funmi,My younger brother IRE, Zahra and her boyfriend  , Khalifa's  personal assistant (not Rachel) and my own assistant.

We sat around waiting for him to arrive. The party would be done in the garden. I'm  super excited about this. I imagine his reaction. He did something similar for me on my birthday last year so it's time for payback.

The gateman ran hurriedly inside where I was.

"Madam oga don come Mana" I asked him to tell me first as soon as Khalifa arrives.

"Okay go back and open the game. Guy!!.. Everybody!! To the garden. He's here"

Everyone hurriedly got up from wherever they were and went into the garden. I switched off all the lights and followed them.  Everywhere was silent as everyone stayed quiet.

Soon I heard him yell my name from far. I giggled to myself. His voice grew closer. ..

"Habibty!... Habibty!! My love! Anu where are you?"

He opened the glass door leading outside the yard. He strolled down to the garden. He couldn't see us because the lights were off also. I nod my head telling Ire to turn on the lights. He did and we screamed.

"Happy birthday!!!"

Khalifa's look right now is priceless. I brought out my phone and made a video. Still smiling, I walked closer to him

IMPERFECTION (AN INTERCULTURAL  LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now