August visitor

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Its been three weeks since I came back  Abuja. I've resumed work. Salamat is not working there anymore, she's now in Abuja. Everybody at work is happy for Salamat

I swear I miss my bestie like crazy. Its Saturday and there's no work today. Before salamat and I would just stay at home or go out.  But now i'm all alone.

I was watching  'Queen of Miami' on Telemundo. My phone started  ringing .  I saw it was Muhammed. I haven't seen him since the wedding. I picked up the call

"Hello" he said


"Anu are you at home? " he asked

"Yes o. I'm even bored sef " I reduced thevolune to hear him clearer

"I'm coming ”

"Okay na, I was even planning to cook before. I would cook for two  then"

"What do you want to cook" He asked

"Fried rice, you go to chop?"

"Yes na, put chicken o "

"See ya mouth like chicken. I've heard you sha. "

"I'll see you soon" he hung up.

I dropped my phone on the center table and went to the kitchen to start cooking.

30 minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. I went to open the door. I saw Muhammed standing outside my door step

With Khalifa

Suprise is an understatement to what I feel right now. I couldn't talk for a long time. I just kept staring at him

"Hello?" Muhammed snapped his fingers

"Come in come in" I stepped to the side to let them in. When they entered I closed the door.

He looked at me up and down and smiled. I looked at myself, i was wearing a bum short and shirt. Its not bad right. I'm at home so its not bad.

"Hi khalifa. Muhammed and you didn't tell me you were coming with your friend "  They were now sitting down

"Suprise" khalifa said

"And you too,we were chatting yesterday you didn't tell me anything" After we exchanged  numbers in Abuja, Khalifa and i started chatting. Nothing special , just friendly  chat

"Like I said, we wanted to suprise you" he said smiling

"Anyways welcome to my humble abode....What should I offer you"

"Its okay"

"Ha no o, you can't come to my house without taking something. In fact i'm cooking. So you'll eat"

"Anu how far na. Is the food not ready yet" Muhammed asked

"Hmmmmm. Muhammad , i trust you just let me go and check what i'm doing "

I went to the kitchen and saw that the rice is done. I switched off the gas. I've fried the chicken already.
I live in a Room and parlour apartment  So I don't have a dinning room. I served the food in three different plates. Placed the chicken on it. I carried Muhammed and Khalifa's food first.

When I got to the sitting room, Muhammed was changing through the Chanel while khalifa was pressing his phone. I dropped the food on the table. Muhammed quickly rushed and carried his plate,he wasted no time in eating. I went back to the kitchen and carried  5 alive and water from the fridge. I took it to the sitting room and Khalifa still hasn't touched his food

IMPERFECTION (AN INTERCULTURAL  LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now