Mi familia perfecta

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I felt these small tiny hands tapping on my face and I could feel something on top of me. I stuttered my eyes open only to see my two little pumpkin all over my face. A smile creeped on my face instantly. They're still dressed in their onesies so I guessed they just woke up also.

The door opened and khalifa came in with a breakfast tray on his hands.
"Oh my, they woke you up already." I sat properly resting my back. I placed the twins at the center of the bed, Khalifa came forward and placed the tray in from of me.

"Good morning my sunshine. " I blushed.

"Good morning baby " he kissed me lightly on the lips. "How long have they been up" I asked. Iman was coming closer, she tried to touch what was on the tray but I blocked her.

"Less than an hour or so. We prepared this breakfast together. They sat on their high chair so don't panic " I chuckled lightly " and no need to worry, I fed them already. I brought them in first so I could get the tray, didn't know, they would wake you up so fast " I smiled as he said all this.

"Thank you baby "

"It's nothing my love. Just enjoy your breakfast while I take the twins and give them a bath " he stood up about to carry the kids.

"Wait, just leave them for now, you too stay. Let's eat this together. The four of us " ..

"No Habibty, this is yours alone, and these two ate already don't let us disturb you" I held his hands ..

"I insist " he looked at me briefly before he shurgged. He sat back down. I fed him a toast and did the same to the kids, they ate. I gave them the soft part though. The twins are 10 months already and they've started growing few teeths. They can also walk few steps on their own but they can go few meters while holding something.

I feel so blessed right now. This is what I've always prayed for. This is what I wanted. A happy family. They mean everything to me

It's been two months since khalifa and I settled our differences. Two months of pure happiness, two months of true love, two months of a peaceful and loving family. I love my family so much. Khalifa has changed totally. He's back to the man I fell in love with all those years ago. He's my perfect man. The only one for me the father of my children. Ade Ori mi, my Habibi. He treats me like a little princess, he Pampers me so much. He makes me so happy and I'm thankful I got him back

"What do you want us to do for the day, because today, I'll be with you guys all day "

"I don't know, you choose"

"How about we go out, the park, the mall, the movies, anywhere"

"The movies is totally out of it . I don't think these kids would be patient enough to wait all those hours in the movie. Why don't we go out for the day and return home to watch the Lion King, I'm sure they'll like that "

"Anything you want Habibty.. anything . Let me just take the dish back to the kitchen and i ..."

"No Ahmad you've done enough. Thank you for the breakfast in bed. It's wakey wakey time. I've got chores to do"

"Sarah can do that. Look darling, I don't want you stressing yourself at all. We can employ more maids if that's the case but please I don't want to see you stressing anymore. You've done enough of that"

"Really " I teased

"Of course baby. Just enjoy and have fun. We don't want you stressing" he glanced at the twins smiling

"Okay o, as your lordship pleases. But you see this plate, I won't let you return it, I'll do that myself " I stood up from the bed.

" Are you even listening to anything i said"

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