Trouble in paradise

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"Good evening ma" The gateman babu greeted as I got out of my car. I  carried my bags and closed the door
"Good evening babu" I  respond.  I went towards the house.

I was met at the entrance by Bala. She tried to  collect my bags from me but I stopped her.   "Where's my husband?"  I asked looking around. "Upstair"   She replied. I nod and headed up to my room.

I went into my room and met Khalifa on phone. Not to disturb, I went into the closet, got out of my clothes before taking a shower. I changed into my nightie before coming into the room.

Khalifa was done by the time I returned. He glanced at me briefly  before placing his attention back on his phone.

"Good evening " I greeted. He didn't say anything. "How was your day " I asked he still didn't reply.

"Babe is something wrong?"  I searched his face but he wasn't even giving me attention. "Ahmad?"

He sighed before looking at me. "What?"

"I asked If something is wrong" I spoke calmly.

"Oh yes, everything is wrong. Look at the time you returned. Almost 10:30. Yet you ask if something is wrong.... You don't care if I have eaten or not.... You ask me If something is wrong  "  he scoffs and returned his attention to his phone . I was  taken aback by what he just said.

"But baby I told you ... I called and told you I was going to be home late. I explained how hectic work was today. I begged you to please get something on the way home,"

"Seriously. I should get something to eat outside when I have a wife. " He furrowed his brows

"Ahmad why are you talking like this. Why are you acting like I do this all the time. ... Okay I am sorry. I apologise. What do you want me to prepare. I can make anything you want. Anything at all "

"Oh no.its okay. It's cool. I actually got something on my way home so I wouldn't starve to death "

"But baby I apologise. Why are you acting this way. What else do you want me to do ".

He got up from the bed, walked towards me. Stood in front of me. "Be a wife. " He said quietly before walking past me out of the room. Leaving me stuck to the ground with the thought of what could he be talking about.

Be a wife. Have I not acted like a wife for the past three years. I try to be a loving wife everytime. I try to please my husband. I have done everything a wife does. So how have I failed as a wife. ...

My husband has changed alot. He doesn't act like the Khalifa I married. He has become distance. He is not the loving,sweet adorable man I fell in love with. This is another Khalifa.

He complains about little things. Almost everything I do is wrong in his eyes. He finds fault in everything I do, say,ask, make.

He hasn't made advances to me in a long time. If I try to make a move, he stops me or shout at me. I am tired and fed up with all of this. I tried talking to him about it but he wouldn't reply me or talk to me. It is depressing and I don't know what to do anymore. This feeling is killing me. It hurts.


"Dinner is served " I informed. He got up from the chair. Walked towards me and walked past me without saying anything. I sighed and followed behind him.

When we got to the table. I served our food in the same plate. We still eat together. That has still not changed. I served the one we could eat . We began eating afterward

"I'm travelling to Lagos this Friday. Damola's wedding. I would be back Monday morning " I informed. He was quiet for a while.

"You are not going?" He replied with a normal expression. He wasn't even looking at me.

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