Laugh last

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"You are late" Khalifa stated as he came into the bathroom while I was  taking a shower. I ignored and continued with what I was doing. After, showering, I came out with a towel wrapped around me.

"Was the party that interesting that you had to return home this late " he inquired.

A distant family was having his wedding today in Kubwa. Mummy Abuja suggested we attend together so I can represent my mom and grandmother. Kubwa is far from Asokoro, I even had to drop Mummy Abuja in her house at Garki. Right now, all I just need is sleep.

"See Ahmad. Your ancestors would not disturb you o. Let me be. I am tired. You yourself know how far Kubwa is. Don't start. Please. "  I walked past him. Went into the closet, picked up a bum short and a tank top to wear.

"Hajiya Mami came over "  

"Oh" was all I said.

"She asked of you. " he added.  "Really ... That's nice " I replied sacarstically. He was about to say something but then thought against him .

I walked past him and climbed on the bed. He followed behind. Climbed on the bed also and called it a night


There's nothing more fun than having a best friend who takes you out to lunch.  Salamat is the very best, she took me out to lunch. She came to my work place just to take me to lunch . Isn't she the best.

"You told her that" she asked suprised

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"You told her that" she asked suprised.

"Yes na. She was getting on my last nerve and I told her point and clear to ask her son why he isn't getting me pregnant. It is so annoying how society puts the blame on a woman for not having a  baby. Men should be checked also. "

"Wow, girl you are  something else.... What did your mother-in- law do or say "

I shrug " she was shocked of course, Khalifa too was there, he didn't say anything all through as his mother kept bashing me. As she spoke all through, I kept quiet, keeping my cool. When I told her to ask her son. Her eyes almost popped out. She went on telling Khalifa to look at the wife he married, all those crap like that. I'm just tired of playing the gentle girl in that family. They wanted a new Anu, the former Anu before getting married and I gave it to them in full package"

Salamat Sighed "Everything is going to fall in place. Just continue praying and exercise patience and please be careful with what you do and say. This is your in-law we are talking about. They are your family, your husband's family. "

"You know am not like that, they pushed me to this point. You know how much respect I gave to that family. I have taken it up to here. It is fustrating walahi"

"Just be careful. That's what am saying "

"I know. I would try. Thank you "


I drove into the compound. Came out of my car and went into the house. I noticed Khalifa is not back yet. I met Bala in the living room watching TV. She greeted me good evening and I replied.

I went into my room. Undressed and showered. I changed into a short and a top. I picked up my phone from the table and went back downstairs.

I sat on the couch watching the same soap as Bala. We were interacting

"Tomorrow is Saturday right?" I asked her

"Yes ma"

"What should we eat  for breakfast?"  She shrug.

"How about moi moi or akara and let's say maybe custard or pap?". She shrug then nodded.

"If you wake up tomorrow morning just wash and blend the beans. I would make it typical Anu style" she smiled.

"Good evening sir" she greeted looking at the entrance. I know for sure Khalifa is back but I didn't react. I pressed on my phone. I was watching a funny Video so I laughed.

I could feel someone's stare on me . I glanced at Bala and saw she was kinda restless. She has this nervous look glancing between Khalifa and I.

I ignored whatever was happening.  I strolled through my timeline on Instagram. Bala was watching her movie .

"where is my food?" He asked,i acted as if I didn't hear whatever he said.  "Anu where is my food " he said again. I turned to him

"Oh you were talking to me.. sorry. What were you saying... Oh yes your food. D didn't feed you today?"

He straight faced me . "Eyaa sorry. Ha your food , that one is going to be a problem o but  wait.. Bala darling what do we have at home that you can prepare in like let's say 5 minutes "

Bala was nervous as you can imagine. She wasn't sure of what to do she just kept giving me this look, begging me to stop.

"Wait... What you trying to tell me now is that Balaraba is going to cook what I am going to eat" Khalifa said.

I rose a brow and shrug "yes  na. What were you thinking.. oh you think she can't cook. Ha you are wrong. She's good if you try her special delicacies you would bite your fingers and tongue. This girl. She's a chef in the making"

"You think you're funny or making sense right?. Why didn't you even cook dinner when you know you have a husband. What were you doing "

"I was making sure you wouldn't waste my food like you've been doing for the past couple of months.  Why are you even disturbing me. I thought D was the one cooking you what to eat. "

"Pls excuse me" Bala said nervously as she left the living room.

"You see,you've scared her away who would cook for you now. Anyways, we still have some Kellogg's and probably something to eat in the kitchen. That should do "
I stood up about to leave but Khalifa held my arm very tight.

"Can you let go of me. Please" I said calmly. To be honest, his grip on me is tight but I can't let him see me hurting. He has seen enough.

"What silly games do you think you're playing . Huh. You think you're funny... Hahaha.. very funny. Listen carefully,I don't care whatever games you might be playing but don't you ever forget it. You are still my wife, I married you legally. You are Mrs Ahmad Muhammadan. So all this.. this silly games or pranks or whatever should stop and I am not playing with you Anu. Don't mess with me "  He said with gritted teeths . I stared at him with the dullest expression you can imagine.

"I guess I have to remind you that you are still mine after all" he said before slamming his lips on mine. He kissed me roughly.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me into my room , He placed me on the bed and there, he made love to me like he has never done before. He let his aggression, his fustration, his pain speak for him and what did I do. I surrendered. I surrendered my self to him. I was like a prey to a hungry tiger.

I miss  him so much that i dont mind how he treats me. 

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