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The bond between khalifa and the kids are now stronger. He can't go a day without seeing them. He even spends the night with them on few occasions.

Khaifa is a wonderful man. He is a good father and he loves the twins so dearly. I knew he loved kids ever since I met him. Just that things changed due to some circumstances but I'm glad he's back.

It's Saturday, khalifa was also home with us all day, he slept in one of the guest rooms last night. We haven't really sorted out our differences . We haven't talked about us. I guess we're trying to avoid the big question. I feel he is avoiding it. We are just co- parenting at the moment.

I got a call this afternoon from mummy Abuja , she requested I come over to her house to sort some family matters. I thought of taking the kids initially but Ahmad insisted I left them with him .

I spent about two hours or so with mummy Abuja before leaving. I stopped to get pizza for all of us before heading back to house.

As I was about driving into the compound, I noticed a black Venza packed outside my house. I shrugged and went in anyways. I got out of the car, picked out my belongings and the pizza and walked towards the house.

I opened the door and what I actually saw was a shock to me. This shouldn't be that shocking but I never expected something like this to happen in my house.
I thought khaifa understood boundaries. What audacity does he have to bring this same Doyin into my house. And to make it worse he was actually kissing and hugging her mummering things I couldn't make out.

Khalifa broke the kiss " you have to go now.. I'll come to you later. You shouldn't be here. Anu can't meet you here "

"Actually I already did " I uttered making my presence known. Khalifa separate instantly. " I thought I made something clear.. very clear to you mister. I even pleaded with you that I don't want this whore around me or my children. What is she doing in my house!"

"Anu I... I... " Khalifa  stuttered.  "Where are my babies" I placed my stuffs on the couch and head upstairs. I don't know what this bitch is up to. I left the kids with Khalifa in the living room and with what I've just seen.  I need to make sure my babies are safe.   I got to their room and they are not in there.  I ran out

"Ahmad where are my children!" I shouted from the top of the stairs.  Doyin was still  inside. Both of them were talking quietly more like arguing when I got  there

"In the room..."

"They are not in the nursery, where did you keep my babies "

"There  are in the guestroom. Where I slept last night "

" And i want that bitch out of my house now... "I added turning back to check on my kids.  They were indeed in the room fast asleep.  Oman was not sleeping in the right position so i placed him properly.  I would be taken them into their nursery but i don't want them waking up so i let them be.  Their toys were scattered  on the ground so i start picking it.  Just as I was doing that, the door opened and Ahmed walks in. 

"Anu, look... it's not what it looks like.  I..."

"I'm very sure you can see that my kids are  sleeping right" I said quietly.  I got all the toys and left the room. I went into their nursery  and placed every thing  in its rightful place.  Khalifa walks in.

"I swear, it's not what it looks like..."

"Okay... Last time I checked, my vision works very perfectly and what i saw down there was you kissing your mistress  so tell me how it's  not what it looks like or whatever  you're saying "

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