Hidden Emotions

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"So Aasim is really serious about you not working" I said to salamat as she came back to the living room..

I've been here for an hour now and we were talking about stuff.

"My sister na so o. At first, I thought it was because of my pregnancy. Now he's serious for real"

"What would you do now" I took out of my drink.

"I'll still talk to him about it because this house is too boring whallai". Her phone interrupted . She picked it up and checked it . I took out of my drink.

"Anu what's going on between you and Khalifa" she asked. I looked at her sideways not understanding what she's saying.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Read this" she handed me her phone. I looked at her first before looking at the phone. It was a message that reads;

Salam. Its Khalifa. I know Anu is with you. I really need your help on something. Please beg Anu on my behalf. Tell her i'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt her. And she should please give me a chance to explain myself. Please,don't forget to tell her how much I love her. Salam.

I sighed after reading the message. I passed salamat her phone. I haven't told salamat anything about yesterday.

"What happened" she asked.

"I've been giving him the silent treatment since last night"


"You know I told you I just got that annual leave we normally get. And you know how Lag can be boring sometimes. So I decided to spend the whole month with my boo. I planed to suprise him but yet again I was the one getting the suprise"

"I told you about his PA that tied towel around the house the first time I visited " she nodded "last night, I caught Khalifa on her kissing and doing nasty things".

"Subuhanallai" salamat gasped. "So what did you do"

"Meee?. I just left the room and did as if nothing just happened. I haven't spoken to him since then"

She gave me a disbelief look "so you didn't react or do anything?" I shook my head. "So you mean to tell me you're okay with you man sleeping with another woman"

"Of course not but what do I do. I know how men can be why stress myself. To be honest, am hurt already why add another headache. And again Khalifa is also suffering like I am right now. My silence is enough to punish him. He doesn't know my mind so he's confused"

"Hmmmmm! that's true. Anu Anu. But babes you wicked o. You wan give the guy hypertension" she joked. I rolled my eye and smiled.

"Let's be serious here. Forgive the guy,he's sorry about everything. At least listen to him. Please just hear him out and forgive him, the guy loves you"

"I've heard you."

We spent the rest of the day talking about girly stuffs. By nightfall I left her house. I had a taxi take me back to khalifa's house. When I got home, I found out his back already.

I walked in and saw him in the living room he was seated on the couch. He placed his head in his palm. As soon as I entered , he stood up.

I tried to walk pass him and climb the stairs but he held my hand. I stopped but didn't turn back.

"Anuoluwapo. I know I have hurt you and I deserved to be punished but for the sake of the Almighty Allah. Please listen to me. Give me a chance to explain myself"

I didn't reply. I shook my head. I didn't turn, didn't say a word. I just stood still. "Baby please say something" .

Still no response.

"Anuoluwapo say something for fuck sake!! Can't you see your silence is killing me!!. Hit me, punch me,shout at me, do anything but please just don't stay quiet. Please"

I turned to face him "what do you want me to say?.huh Thank you for hurting me. Or you did wonderful by cheating on me. Cry like there's no tomorrow because I caught you on top of a woman" i said calmly.

"Am sorry. Just let sit and talk. Please baby" he pleaded. I sighed and walked to the couch to sit.

Khalifa sat on the couch opposite me. "Baby what happened that night was a mistake.I tried to stop her but she forced me. She forced herself on me"

"But i didn't look like that when I saw the both of you" I said with an attitude. Lifa shut his eyes closed as if he was trying to get something off his mind. He later opened it and looked at me.

"Last night, I was home doing work stuff, nothing in particular. Just felt like chilling at home. Racheal came, we did some work together and then shared a glass of red wine together. I can't remember what I went to get in my room that was when Racheal followed me. At first she brought up silly topics but later she came closer to me and forced herself on me. I stopped her. I told her I had a girlfriend but she didn't stop, she kept doing crazy stuffs and I fell for it. I dont know what came over me but I found myself kissing her back. I'm sorry "

"Wait, Rachael is your Personal assistant right" he nodded "why were you sharing a wine after you were done with work and what
right does she have to enter your room. I'm not understanding"

"Baby there's something you don't know. Years back Racheal and I used to...you know... do it. I was the player of all times. I told her I wanted nothing but sex and she agreed. She told me months later she couldn't continue and I said fine... cool. So we broke things up and continued professional but recently I noticed her attitude towards me. I shrugged it off. Until last night.....Baby i'm sorry just forgive me "

"Khalifa I trusted you. I love you so much. I thought you loved me enough to avoid any temptation..."

"I do...I just....."

"No you don't. You would have overcame the temptation no matter what happened." Tears began dropping my face. Tears I didn't know where it came from .

"My main plan was to suprise you. I came here all the way from Lagos to be with you for a whole month. I left everything there. Don't I have things to do back in Lagos. Don't I have family to spend time with. But I left all of that for you Khalifa. I tried to make us work in every way possible. I tried to please you but then I......" I couldn't finish my statement as I broke down. Khalifa stood up and pulled me to a hug.

"I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear continuously.

All the locked up emotions just came running back. I cried. I tried to be strong but then again. I love this man and he really hurt my feelings.

"I'll fire Rachael if that's what you want"

"No. I can't just snacth away someone's job. I just want to believe that I can trust you not to make this happen again"

" I promise it won't happen."

I rested my head on his broad chest. He wrapped his hands around me.

" I love you" he vow

"I love you too" he kissed me on my forehead.

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