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I returned from work earlier this evening.  Ever since i started working again. I usually return home very early let's say before 7. It is still not easy  for me leaving my kids for  a long time.  I enrolled them in a day care centre not too far from me.  I also enrolled Sarah into a vocation  training institution. I asked if she wanted to further her education like Balaraba did but she said she prefers learning hairdressing.i don't think  that is a bad idea.  Balaraba is still in school and she's going to graduate  next year inshallah.

So what I do is, Sarah  would head to the day care centre after work just to stay with the kids, i pick them up afterwards while we head home together. Sometimes Bala meets us also or return home straight. 

People question why i have two maids when they really don't do much and i also enroll  them in school.  First of ,   i don't see Balaraba  as my maid, to me she's my younger sister, she also helps with the  twins, they love  her so much. I need Sarah  to help  with little task at home , she's also a good girl. It's not easy for me taking care of this big house all by myself  so i don't see  anything wrong with it.

In no time,i  started preparing dinner.  Bala was with me in the kitchen while  Sarah stayed with the  kids in the living room playing 

"So who's  this cute boy you were telling me about the other day" I teased  her. She gisted me about  this boy that she recently met

"You don't want  to tell me baa" she smiled shaking her head.

"His name is Zaiyan, i met him  on my way back home  few weeks ago.  He offered me a ride of course I declined because i was in the street already. He tried having a conversation  but i just walked away . I saw him  another day. This time he pestered  me and i finally broke my silence.  We started talking and we got to know each other better"

"Awww.. you like him ?" She nodded  nervously.  I smiled. Balaraba is 22 and I'm happy she's  starting to experience  love.

"So are you guys officially dating "

"He keeps  begging me but I'm  scared. I'm afraid he'll  hurt my felling.  And he's  way out of my league.  He just graduated from Nile university.  Aunty, Nile while me in this college  of  education. "

"Girl don't you ever look down on you again ok.. Take me and my husband  as an example.  Like who would have thought  i would end up with Ahmad. I went to Lasu and him Harvard.  Love is a beautiful  thing and one can't  help who he falls in love with. Just give him a try okay. See how  it goes and take things slow.  You hear "
She nods
" he even wants to see you ?"

"See me why ?"

"He wanted to take me out to dinner but i told him no that i have  to inform you, so he want to formally seek permission  from you " she blushed. I smiled.

" such a gentleman  he is, look i have no problem  and I'm  sure my husband  wouldn't mind. Go out and have fun enjoy your youth. Okay " she nods. 

"Thank  you ma"

"Youre welcome  darling. Help me place the plates on the table  while I dish this " she did  as she was informed.

Khalifa returned  just as I was placing the plates on the table. He went up to shower and change  after greeting me and the kids.  He returned a while later.

We sat down to eat. The twins were placed on their high chair while they  ate from their plates. I served them a portion.  Khalifa and i ate from the same plates. 

After  dinner, it wasn't easy trying to get the  twins to sleep they wouldn't sleep . I played all types  of trick for them to sleep but they stayed wide awake. Khalifa later came by and played a movie for them on his iPad. As if they were hypnotized.  They ended up falling asleep.

IMPERFECTION (AN INTERCULTURAL  LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now