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I could hear  noises coming from the play room in the  basement.   I heard Imran's scream  clearly.  She's for sure fighting  with her twin brother again.  They always go at it and  I'm  sure this time its over a trivial  matter.  
The  noise kept  growing louder  and louder.  Here i am trying to get a good rest.   Why do school go on  breaks, like cant it just go on  and on.  I had some peace of mind couple of weeks ago when school was ongoing.  

I counted to 10 in my head.  I could've  called one  of the maids but none of then can calm  the storm when the twins go at it.  Their father  does it best but he is out presently.  I sighed before getting  out of the couch.  I walked slowly  to their playroom. Every fibre  in my body knows i need  rest.  Not  all this stress. 

I got  to the entrance  and saw they were really going at it.  Fighting  like angry Cubs.  Iman wasn't  even concerned  that she was a girl and that her twin brother might beat her up.

"Shey fe kin na yin losan yi?" (Do you want  me to beat you two  this afternoon) I asked and they separated.  I speak Yoruba to them  and they understand  even though  they  dont speak it  often.  They understand  hausa  too.   Both of them were panting  heavily.  

"What  is going on here, why  the noise ?"  They tried to talk at the same time but i stopped  them  "one person  at a time"

"Imran wouldn't  hand me the remote.   He finished watching and he won't  let me watch my Disney "

"Nngbo Imran, why won't  you let your sister watch her  Disney"

"She won't  let me watch the  second  episode where the red ranger..."

"You can't watch the second episode  Imran.  You both made a deal so stick to it.   Where  are  your  iPads by the  way " he pointed  to where they were charging it.

"I made sure to download enough episodes for you.  Go  take it and watch"

"But this is  a different episode " he pout .  I sighed.

  "You know  what,  I'll  record this  episode for you.  If your sister should finish  watching her disney, you can watch your power ranger  later.  Just play with your Ipad for now.  And you too Iman you don't have  to fight over trivial matters. He is your twin brother.  Now the both of you apologies" they did  as they were told. 

I picked up the remote to record the episodes Imran wanted.  Just as i was about to drop the remote i felt a kick to the side of my rib.   I had to hold  onto my rib.  I guess our little sleeping beauty is awake.  So much for a good rest.   I held unto my bump when the kicking intensified.   I complained  about dealing with the twins.  Imagine if this little fighter  joins.

Yes! I am pregnant

You read right.  I am over five months pregnant. When the twins were three years old, i started having this baby fever.  They were not so little anymore and i felt like experiencing  everything  over again.  We tried but it  didnt work.  My medical record  showed  i was okay,  nothing was wrong  yet i wasnt getting  pregnant.   We kept trying though until i finally got pregnant  a year after.  

All of my pregnancies  are always different.  I just dont understand  why.   I started throwing up all of a sudden.   I suffered from severe nauseating .  It was so intense  that khalifa moved out of the room during  my first Trimester.  I couldn't eat anything. I was so sick and so lean.  I was a mess.  The day we found out i was pregnant,  i didn't even know if it was to cry or laugh.  I was going through so much. It was too intense.  My first Trimester  was hell.  I was placed  on bed rest. 
Thank  God! I'm  back to normal.   Not finally off the hook but am doing good Masha Allah.  Khalifa moved back to the room , i stand certain smells, i can eat some certain meals.   Just that i still need more rest.  So i really haven't  gone out .  My pregnancies  are always high risk .  It is always a crucial moment of my life.   This  is still better than when i was pregnant with the twins.  I can do some certain thing just that I'm  not allowed to stress myself or the baby.  Fortunately  for me, i have the best family.  Ive got the support of everyone. 

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