Bonus chapter; Zahra's wedding

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We've  been preparing for  Zahra's wedding for months now. Ever since her wedding  date had been  set. She had  been doing everything  in her power to make her wedding everything  she had ever wanted.  And  of course she got the support of everyone  of us.  We helped  her in any  way we could.  

Few weeks  ago, Zahra, Nabila and i travelled  to Sudan,  from Sudan  to Saudi before returning  to Nigeria.

Few weeks  ago, Zahra, Nabila and i travelled  to Sudan,  from Sudan  to Saudi before returning  to Nigeria

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I travelled right  after  i returned  from my baecation with khalifa.   I had to leave for a week.  I missed  my children like i was going to die.  After we returned from Santorini , i only  spent a week with them before leaving  for sudan again.  March was exhausting  as one  can imagine.

Zahra had her kamu ceremony last Friday and of course it was fun.  Blue Marquee planned her event  and trust that it would be extraordinary.  

So Today is the  Wushe Wushe.  The wushe  wushe is a ceremony done  on the eve of the wedding  Fathia.  Its just like welcoming the groom into the  family.  The wushe wushe would be done in the house.

We are presently in my Mami's house.  We arrived this morning.  Everyone was getting ready.  We have the hair dressers, the henna designers currently doing their work.   The house is filled with all of Khalifa's  family,  his cousins,sisters, aunts.  The elderly women were in another quater of the house doing their things while  the we stayed in another quater. 

Summaiyah  has  been   vlogging  since the beginning of the ceremony with the intention  of  posting  it on  her YouTube channel.  The hairdresser  was braiding my hair.  I drew my henna already.  Zarah  was getting  her henna drawn also.  Summaiyah  brought the camera to our faces capturing everything that was going on.  I finished my hair in no time. 

"Where's  mama?" I asked.  Imran was fast asleep already.  Nabilah  carried Iman  when she was leaving  but returned  alone. 

"Mami asked that she stayed with her. "  i mouthed ok.  Mami and Iman  are best pals.  She  claims Iman looks so much like khalifa when he was her age.  She says the twins reminds her of when Khalifa was still young..  we could hear as the local musicians were  playing   their songs.   They came here earlier and we danced,  they later moved  to Mami's  quater. 

After we were done with our hair amd henna,  it was time to start getting dressed for the party.  The twins were in the  children play room.   Mami  has a playroom for all her grandchildren  incase they come visiting.  All the children would stay there while the adult  attend  the wushe wushe.   I took  a quick shower before getting my makeup done.  About four different makeup artist were hired. And each  one of them came with an assistance  or two.  We finished our make up  in no time.  It was time to get  the bride dress also.  We helped  her in getting ready.  She wore a white blouse with a wrapper and cover her  upper part with another white wrapper.  

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