The big question

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Khalifa and I are presently in Ghana. He has a business meeting here. He asked me to come  with him, so I wouldn't have to stay home  allalone.

Tonight Khalifa asked that i follow him to dinner with his business partners. At first I rejected but then he persuaded me.

I'm alone in our hotel room in Accra. Khalifa had some things to handle but he promised to be back before 6.

Its 5:30 already. I just got out of shower. I stood in front of the mirror not sure of what to do next. I didn't plan for this dinner.  Khalifa  bought me a dress sibce I  didn't bring  anything formal to wear.

After staring for lord knows how long, I began to apply lotion on my body. I was about to start my makeup when Khalifa came in.

He's already dressed in his white blazer, a button-down shirt on his black dress pant.

"I can see you're ready" I said turning back to the mirror

"I felt you were going to need some privacy, so I got another room."

I nod. I'm not a person of flashy makeup so I did something moderate. After the make up, I wore my dress. I had Khalifa help with the zippers. I wore my shoe and we left for dinner.

The driver drove us to this fancy restaurant. Khalifa led the way to the river side of the restaurant. We sat beside the river as the cool fresh breeze blew on us.

Khalifa's business partners were already present by the time we arrived. We sat and ate. They talked business. I peered in here and there but stayed quiet mostly.

We just finished dinner, we were having dessert when Lifa excused himself. I was with his two business. We made small talks.

I was still talking when a waiter interrupted me. I turned to him "sorry ma'am...are you here with a tall fair man with beards, wearing a white suit and black trousers?”

I narrowed my eyes "yes?"

"I'm  sorry to inform you that he just slipped on his way to the restroom"

As soon as he said that,  panic gripped me. I stood up instantly. My whole body starts shaking. "Where is  he?"

"On the way to the restroom. He's being attended to but I just felt you should...."

"Where's the way to the damn restroom?" I snapped at the guy.

"Back there" he pointed.

I pushed him and start running, I payed no mind to the pain I feel because of those damn stilettos. My Khalifa is hurt. Nothing matters at the moment.. Nothing!

I stopped on my track when I saw the man they claimed to be injured standing gloriously. Looking at me,smiling

I  saw he was standing on a flower with the heart shape. He smiled at me but I still wasn't finding any of this funny. I don't understand whatever is going on.

My thought got  interrupted  when Khalifa asked me to come closer. I did, still not sure of what was going on. I was now standing face to face with khalifa.

My world literally stopped when khalifa dropped on one knee in front of me. He brought out this red velcet box from his breast pocket.

Omagod hes gonna propose.

My eyes grew wide. I covere my mouth with my hand. Khalifa opened the box and a beautiful diamond ring laid in the box, Shinning.

"Anuoluwapo Ramat  Adesiku. The best day of my life and the day I will always cherish is that day I laid my eyes on you. I laid my eyes on a damsel and I fell instantly. Knowing you has been the most amazing thing that has happened in my life. Having you as a girlfriend is the most worthy thing I've ever accomplish.

Anuoluwapo. I love you. I love you very much. I know there were times I acted like a complete jerk.I'm sorry for all the mistakes.

I still have lots of things to cover in this journey of life. I still have a long way to go. I know there are gonna be challenges. There are gonna be some rough times. But it would be lonely without you. So Anuoluwapo Ramat Adesiku, I  want to ask you, Would you come with me on this journey of life? Would you be by my side till the end? Would you Marry me?”

I blew air out of my mouth. Fanning my self and the little tears that escaped my eyes with my hand. Trying my best to compose.

"Yes baby. Yes I would be with you till the  very end. I would marry you " I said stretching my fingers forward. He slipped the ring into my left index finger. He stood up,Kissed me on my lips.

We heard people clapping around us. I broke out of the kiss and hit him on his chest ”dont you dare scare me like that. Ever again" I said. He smiled and pulled me to a hug.

"How long have you been planning this" I asked as we got to our hotel room.

"Since you came to Abuja but I was just finding the right moment to ask. So i staged the business meeting. Those people we had dinner with work for me " he confessed

"Oh Khalifa. I love you so much " I couldn't stop staring  at my ring.

"I love you too" I kissed him on his lips.

"I have to break this news to my mom" I stood up from the couch. Picked my phone,dialed my mom's number. I paced the room, My mom answered.

"Mommy guess what ?" I screamed

"Calm down, its late jare .....what is the problem. You know am not good in all this your nonsense guessing”

"I'm  engaged...."

"Its a lie" my mom said obviously surprised.

"Khalifa proposed to me today mom. I'm so happy" I jumped.

My mom first sang some praises before speaking to me "my dear. I'm so happy for you. Is your fiance there let me speak with him”

I turned to Khalifa who was looking at me "yes,my fiance is here with me" he smiled when I said that.

"Give him the phone." I did.

"Good evening ma......thank you ma
....*laugh*.....I promise ma.......alright ma I'll do just that. Thank you once again ma " he handed me back the phone.

"Mom, I have to go meet my fiance now. Talk to you when I get to Lagos ” I hung up.

I placed my phone on the table and jumped on Khalifa. We both fell back on the couch.

”i love you. I love you. I love you. I love you" I chanted. Kissing him all over his face.

"I love you too" he promised

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