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"Mama bom boy " I teased Salamat. My husband and I decide to pay both of them a visit. Today being Sunday.  Salamat welcomed another son two months ago  thus I start to call her mama bom boy.

She rolled her eyes at me as she breastfed her son.  "Abegi. " She flinched me off causing me to laugh.

"Ehn least I forgot. Did you see that style i sent to you yesterday. " I nod " ehen, that material, I searched the seller up on IG but she stays in pH. I asked if deliveries were up and she said yes but that cost extra charges. Are you interested so I can ask her to send two "

"Of course  yess. Who wouldn't like that. I fell in love as soon as I saw the  material infact I've been thinking of style to sew... "

"No problem then. I'm going to ask her to send double "

"Thanks babe. I would transfer you the money....".

A ball flew over my head, almost hitting Salamat and her son Àmir. We turned to the direction it came from and saw little Abdul in front of us . He hid his hands behind his back and had a guilty look.

"Abdul abin da ba daidai ba ne a gare ku. kuna so ku cutar da ɗan'uwanku" Salamat yelled at him . His eyes became watery as if he was about to cry. He bit his lip.

"Don't just start with that. Now come here and tell mummy sorry" she ordered him. He came closer to us. Stood in front of me and mumbled sorry.  I pulled him closer and hugged him for a while.

He went closer to his mom , snuggled against her even with his little brother on her laps.
"What" she asked calmly. He said something quietly that I questioned how Salamat herself heard.

"Go and meet your daddy. He would give you " he ran as fast as his legs could take him. I don't know what he wants but that sure made him happy.

That there made my heart cringe a little. I wouldn't mind this. A loving family  filled with kids. It is so beautiful and I know I can do anything just to have this .

As if Salamat was reading my thoughts. She said " don't think about all that. You're going to have yours Masha Allah. Sooner than you expect ."

I couldn't hold the tears anymore. They found their way out. "When. Salamat it's been three years already. Three. I don't want to have to wait till we both grow old. Remember back then when we would always joke about having all our kids before 30 so we can begin to slay after... I'd be 30 next year March ...  My husband is not getting younger any more. How long do I have to keep up with this ... Until Khalifa starts complaining ?"  I shook my head pouring it out.

"Keh. Please don't talk like that. As long as Allah is still with us. Everything is going to be alright. Your husband can't complain he loves you "

"His family has been disturbing him to get another wife . And you think he would continue to stay quiet with all of this.... "

"When I was younger, mom told me, be a good girl ,don't be the wayward type so you wouldn't have to make mistakes,get pregnant , abort so as not to cause problems in the future. I swear I did. I waited till I got married because I wanted a better future.  You too know how I waited, you saw it. So what went wrong. What has happened. Why am I different. "

"Mom was right and whallai, you did the right thing by waiting. It's just that our future lies on the hand of the creator. Wahllai there is a bright light ahead. You would have a reason  to smile very soon insha Allah. Huh.. please wipe those tears. We just have to keep praying to the Almighty. "  She wiped my tears with her free hands.  Just  then Khalifa and Aazim walks into the sitting room.  Aazim  carried Abdul. 

Khalifa came towards me and inspected my face. 

"What  happened?" He asked,  I shook my head nothing. 

"Why are you crying" I wiped my tears.  "I'm not crying babe,  I'm serious" he sighed quietly.   He cupped my face in his hands, and placed his forehead on mine, this moment we forgot we had company

"You know you can tell me anything right,  anything at  all" I nod " I won't force you  to talk  but always remember that I am here for you,  if you're ready to talk, I have listening ears okay ? He said quietly. I nod  smiling.  He smiled also and pecked  my lips before standing properly. 

Salamat and her husband were smiling at us. 

"We're  heading out to grab few things, is there anything you ladies want" Aazim said. We shook our head know,  Khalifa didn't take his eyes off me.

"Alright then,  well be back shortly " He placed Abdul on the floor,and left out with Khalifa. 

"You see that man loves you.  You have nothing to worry about.  Let's keep praying " salamat added


"Our daughter would have  been almost three  by now. " i said out of nowhere  "My due date then was June 17, I wondered how she would have looked, definitely fair, and I guess chubby. I was going to name her Haifa, you know Khalifa and Haifa. Her brother also, I really didn't think of names  for the other one but i always had a feeling it was a boy ,  you know i wasn't prepared.  But they would have been so cute and I would have spoilt them silly, my babies " I smiled just thinking about my babies. 

Khalifa parked the car and killed the engine.

"Anu why are you talking about this now " he asked with  a hint if anger.

"Nothing, I was just saying, I just imagined "

"Was it because of all the children you saw today " Today is Khalifa's  niece birthday party . And the children I saw there made my heart cringe.  Seeing them brought back memories.  My children would have been among  if they were alive. 

I didn't say anything  when he said that.  He ran his hands over his face  "Anu, Stop bringing back sad memories.  Those babies died even before they could make it to this world.  Stop this,  Forget about it!"

"Those babies were my babies Ahmed! They were growing in me.  I was pregnant  for almost six months,  do you know how I felt.   Even though, I didn't find out about the other one, he was still in me for few weeks and you tell me to forget them, i should forget my babies" tears welled up my eyes.

"Look I know how you feel  and I am sorry for yelling. But if you keep doing  this, you're not just hurting you but  the both of us. I know they'll  forever be in our hearts  but let's try to move on.  Well keep trying.  Please my love "

"I just wish  they could have been alive.   I would've  been the best mom in the entire universe "

" i know you would babe.  And i promise we'll  have our own children and they would get to experience how wonderful you have.   You have me, i promise yoh everything would be fine" i nod wiping my tears.  He leaned closer and planted a kiss on my forehead.  He starts the car and continued driving

IMPERFECTION (AN INTERCULTURAL  LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now