Matrimony/ Budan Kai unveiling of bride

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Yesterday was the most  Important  day of my life.  I got to marry the man of my dreams, the love of my life, my best friend.  It means so much to me.

The party last night was fun.  We danced till probably around midnight.  Our friends turned up and It was lit.  Last night, I saw a part of Khalifa  I haven't really seen.  I know he's fun to be with and all that, but I've never seen him danced  the way he danced last night.  I myself  was stunned that I  kept staring at him smiling.  I thought I was a better dancer but he beat me hands down last night. 

I was so tired by the time I returned home last night.  I went straight to bed.  This morning around 5, my mom called me into her room, I leave for Abuja today, Khalifa would  come get me and then I leave for Abuja. 

I sat on my mom bed. She sat beside me "Anuoluwapo Omolola Ajoke Ade.  You're not so little anymore.  You'll  forever be my baby but you're no longer my little  precious girl.  You are a woman now, you've become somebody's  wife. I have been preparing you  for this moment for as long as I can remember and I can say it anywhere  that I've trained you so well.  You're leaving for your husband's  house today.  Trust me when I tell you things wouldn't be the same.  Marriage isn't a bed of roses they say and I can testify  to that. I know you both love each other but trust me, things would be different.  You're two different  people coming to live together, learning more about yourself  everyday.  It is not easy. I just beg that you're  patient. Marriage  takes lots of patience, understanding, trust.  Whatever  happens in your home, stays in your home. Don't let a third party  in. It is your family, gou should  always protect your family.   This is your own life, your battle  and you have to live and  fight it alone.  I wouldn't  be there to help you.  Ill be here if you  need me but  my help would be limited.   It is all you now, you and your husband,  your family.  And i pray the almighty  bless you both with children.   Your home shall be filled with blessed children and  happiness. I wish you all the best in your marriage and never forget you're still my daughter and i love you so much "

I embraced my mom.  I held unto her tightly, crying.  I'm   going to miss her so much.  Everything is surely going to be different.  I'll be leaving for another city, a city where I don't have the family I grew  up with.  My mom wouldn't be there during my  saddest  moment.  I'll  surely  miss her so much 

After my moment with my mom. I returned to my room.  I have to start getting prepared.  Like I said earlier, Khalifa would come and get me and then we head to Abuja.  I also have this small event today in Abuja, it's called the Budankai.  I  was told its a ceremony, where Khalifa's  family gets to unveil me. 

As much as i love Khalifa's  culture, I can't deny that its quite tiring.  I haven't had a peaceful rest. It's one ceremony  to the the other. I just can't wait for all  of this to end.

My girls and I got ready  in no time, They're  also coming with me to Abuja . I still have my white wedding.   I kept it simple with a neon colour Iro and Buba.  I cover head with a scarf.  I was  informed of Khalifa's  presence. 

I said my final goodbyes to everyone in the house. When  I got to my dad, I tried kneeling  before him but he requested for a hug.  I hugged him tightly.  Though, we don't have the best of relations, he's still my dad.  He said his byes and told me to be good. 


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