White wedding

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I'll just explain how my white wedding went. Its been two days now and i still cant get over the ceremony. All other ceremonies were beautiful also but the white wedding was just magical. I loved every bit of it.

A day before the wedding, most of the family already lodged in Transcorp Hilton, Abuja. The wedding was done there. Another intresting fact is i planned the wedding. Myself and Wedding Guru planned the wedding and i loved how perfect it turned out.

A day before was the wedding rehearsal. We practised everything to perfection. After the practice was the family dinner. My family and Khalifa's joined with just few friends sat and had dinner. Both families talked about how they've accepted each other and all that. They wished us a happy married life and good wishes.

After the dinner, i sat with the other event planner and we talked about how i wanted the wedding to go. What i want and what i dont want and all of that. I called it a night after making sure everything was in order.

The next day, i had breakfast with my girls. That was really my final moment with them. We took pictures, talked and whatnot. We started getting dressed like five hours ti the wedding. Toyin Lawani of Tiannah's Empire was around. She designed my bridesmaids' dresses. She also styled me for the day. She made my third outfit for the day also. I love her so much.

I handed my braidmaids a box. A mini fan,mini hairdryer, a victorian secret perfume was in each box. I also handed them a robe. They wore and we took pictures. I took pictures with my mom also

We did our makeup, this time, a different make up artist helped with my make up . Jide of stola makeovers did my makeup. Bola still styled my hair.

When it was time to put on my dress, i became teary- eyed. It is so beautiful. It is everything i wanted. My wedding dress arrived Two weeks before the day. When i wore it for the fitting, nothing had to be adjusted. It was prefect. I fell in love instantly abd couldnt wait it put it on.

I wasnt chanced to take pictures again because we were  starting to get late for the ceremony

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I wasnt chanced to take pictures again because we were starting to get late for the ceremony. The wedding ceremony took place in the hotel garden. A white Rolls Royce conveyed me to the garden. It was time to walk down the aisle. I wrapped my arms around my dad and he led me down the aisle. A violinist played while i walked down the aisle. I saw khalifa staring at me and i didnt care about the rest.

He stood gloriously handsome in his tuxedo designed by Mai Atafo. He's my perfect gentlman. His smile was the only thing i could focus on. We kept smiling as i walked towards him. We finally got to him, after exchanging greetings briefly with my dad, my dad placed my hand on his.

The minister started but in all honesty. we really werent intrested in everything he said. We kept stealing glances, smiling.

When it was time to exchange vows, Khalifa started.

" I stand here a man full of hope, i stand here a man full of love. I was so lost, i was so empty inside but ever since the day i met you, everything just got so much better baby.
I stand here a man who's happy, a man who is now whole. I'm so thankful for you . I promise to give you everything i have for tge rest of my life. We've had so many memories together that I'll forever cherish. I know you're the best and you'll be the perfect mother for our kids .
So today, i promise to treasure you, cherish you, to choose you above all other. I promise to provide such a safe place for your heart. To not only know that you're loved but that you feel that love. What a man would do for his love , his beauty is unlimited. And you, Anuoluwapo, you're my beauty, my love. I promise to love you till eternity. "

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