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I couldn't take the pain anymore so I drove over to my mom's. I told her to come back home from shop and she rushed home when she saw I was crying on the phone.

She consoled me and told me not to mind khalifa's mother. She asked me not to believe everything she said to me.

I finally fell asleep on my mom's laps. When I woke up, it was already dark. I would have spent the night here but I decided to go back home. Mom tried to persuade me into staying but I left regardless.

I drove into my compound - I live in this house with two other tenant who have seperate flat. I came out of the car carried my bag and phone. I turned back to walk to my apartment.

As I approached the doorstep. I saw a too familiar figure sitting on the flower vase. He rested his head on his hand. I think he's sleeping sef. I don't think i'm ready to face Khalifa after everything I've been through today. .

I walked to the door. As soon as I stepped on the porch, he looked up. I glanced briefly at him before going to the door.

"Anu where are you coming from by this time of the night " he questioned. I ignored him, opened the door and walked straight in. He followed behind.

"Anu i am talking to you. Where are you coming from. This is past 10 for fuck sake! I've been here waiting for over two hours. I tried calling you but your number is not available. Now i'm asking you something and you're ignoring me " he yelled

I placed my bag on the couch and turned to him "i'm a grown ass woman. And I do whatever I like..why do you care about the time i return back to my house! ”

He was taken aback by my response. " Are you forgetting who i am? I am your fiance ",

"Oh but you haven't been acting like one lately. " I crossed my hands on my chest

He furrowed his brows "what are you talking about". His voice softened

I looked away "see am not ready for unnecessary argument tonight. Just let me be "

"No no you're going to tell me what you mean right now" he turned my face to his.

I sighed involuntarily"when last have you called me like you used to. I take it upon myself to call and text but every time you find one excuse or the other. You were traveling out of the country and you couldn't even inform me. I stayed alone in that big house for the weekend.when last have you acted like my fiance " my voice cracked. I try my hardest not to cry right now.

"But baby. I have been busy. Work has been hectic as hell. I have been very busy..."

"Oh really , busy spending some quality time with mariama on the beach of Miami " I stated. Khalifa shot me a  look. He's visibly shocked

"How do you know that?" He questioned.

"Oh, so it's true " I gave a hysteric laugh. " I was all alone for three days in that house and where were you?... You were playing romeo with you lover in another country and when I asked you told me you were on a business meeting...... I just can't believe this. You're such a pathetic liar"a single tear escaped my eyes. I wiped it off quickly.

"Anu, I don't understand what you're talking about. Where did you get all this from " he said with his innocent voice and that piss me off the more.

I bent down and checked in my bag. I remember Khalifa mom left the pictures with me. I brought out the envelope and threw it on Khalifa. It hit his chest before landing on the floor " and you tell Me you don't understand "I yelled.

He looked at me before bending down to pick the envelope. He stood up, opened it and checked the picture one by one.  "And i'm here acting the faithful lover trying hard to save us. Tell me you don't understand this, Tell me!" I yelled.

IMPERFECTION (AN INTERCULTURAL  LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now