New arrival

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I'm due anytime this week. My due date is here and I can have my baby anytime. The doctors advised I be admitted but, hell no! I can't do that. It's better to be locked up in my house than in that hospital room for no reason. I'm not doing that. Please.

Since the beginning of this week I've had the support of everyone. I've never been left alone. They are always here to make me happy and since they know the baby is coming soon. They have always been around me in case I finally go into labor.

Now I'm home with Bala, Summaiyah  khalifa youngest sister and funmi. The girls really made my day. We watched a movie and decided to bake. Though I didn't do much, I just sat in the kitchen gisting with them

"Girls.. I need to take a nap. You can have fun without me. " I stood up with the help of funmi.

"Should we help you into the room. "

"No don't worry just have fun. I'll be in one of the guest room downstairs. I don't have the strength to climb the stairs. "

"Ok us if you need us"

"Sure. Just reduce your voice down a little so you don't disturb " they nodded.

I walked out of the kitchen and went into the guestroom. I climbed on the bed gently and laid down comfortablly. I took a pillow and cuddled soon after I drifted to sleep

I was woken by a huge contractions that hit me. I gave a ear piercing scream. And held on to my clothes tightly.  I tried to call out the girls names but I didn't find the strength to get their names out.  I screamed out again.

The girls burst into the room and ran towards me.

"Aunty what's wrong" Bala asked . I shook my head biting down on my lips trying to suppress the pain.

" I think the baby's coming "  Funmi stated

I yelled out again. " Oh ... My... We need to get to the hospital now!!!!"  Tears already welled up in my eyes.

Summy  took her phone from her pocket and dialed a number. She placed it on her ear but removed it, she dialed another.

"Mami, ya Anu is in labour " she said to her mom over the phone.

"We'll try to get her to the hospital. Meet us there "she hung up and place her phone back. ..

"Ya Anu, we have to go to the hospital now. Mami would meet us there. Can you walk. "

"Stop asking and let's help her " funmi shouted at her. The girls helped me up the bed, it wasn't easy but they finally got me to the car, Summaiyah drove the car,

I kept having this contractions every five minutes or three minutes.  "Summy  can you call your brother and tell him to meet us at the hospital "

"I tried, he's not picking his calls "

"Keep trying. Arrrgghhh " I held unto my stomach.

We finally got to the hospital. I was kept in a ward, the contractions kept coming and lasted longer each time. Everyone is here, my mother inlaw, his sisters, his grandma, funmi, Bala, Salamat, my mom promised to get the next flight coming to Abuja.

I've been in labour for over three hours now, the pain is starting to get really unbearable. I've been crying nonstop. The hospital is a private hospital that's why the family's are allowed in even though the doctors complained that they were too much I begged him to let them stay. Their presence here makes me feel just a tiny little bit better and at ease.

" mami, please pass your phone " she looked at me some type of way but passed it to me.

I dialed khalifa number , he didn't pick but I continued trying. He finally picked after calling for the 8th time.

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