Drive (Dean×Reader)

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    Based off the song 'Drive' by Halsey 

   The wind blew your hair in all different directions as Dean sped down the highway. His hand would periodically make contact with yours as he took his right hand off the wheel for brief amounts of time. You never grabbed his hand to keep it there because you were too scared of what would happen. It was no secret that Dean was attracted to you and that you were attracted to him. You had kissed, you had held hands, but never in the company of Sam. It was too risky. Your "thing" was too risky. 

   He could tell you wanted to admit to the sins you guys' had committed behind closed doors. He knew this was killing you keeping it from Sam and Cas and pretty much everyone else you had relations with. Secretly, he wanted to admit to it too. He absolutely hated sneaking behind everyone's backs and he felt as if he was betraying you. He was betraying you by being the instigator. He initiated the first kiss the two you ever shared and he thought it would be easier for both of you to keep it a secret. God, he wanted to hold your hand so bad, but Sam was in the backseat reading off the details of the next hunt. His hand brushed against yours repeatedly, giving him the sensation of your presence, keeping him at ease. All he wanted was you. And he wanted the whole world to know that you were his. 

   You climbed out of the Impala at the next rest stop, stretching your arms and legs. You heard several bones pop as you did so. You rolled your neck and Dean stood by the gas tank, staring. He was mesmerized by your beauty and he had no clue what was so different about you than everyone else. At this point, you had stood up and were staring right back at him. Doing a quick sweep of your surroundings, you walked over and kissed him. In public. Dean blushed furiously as you made your way to the passengers' side of Baby. You had never done anything like that. This was a step into the right direction. This was a step towards finally being able to be in a public relationship. 

   You sat and smiled as Dean ran is hand through his hair, obviously flustered at your sudden act of passion. You knew Dean wasn't one for surprises, but hell, did that surprise him. He climbed into the car, giving you a peck on the cheek before Sam got into the car. You and Dean were staring at each other before Sam spoke up.

   "Aww, look at you two? Stop the lovey-dovey eyes and get driving." Sam had seen Dean kiss your cheek and it was pretty obvious. You blushed before Dean started the car, taking your hand in his, and you all continued on the road to your next hunt. Maybe telling everyone else will be easier than you thought. 

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