I Needed That (Jensen×Reader)

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   Prompt: "I bought you dinner." 

   It had been a few weeks since you had eaten any substantial meal. You would grab a granola bar on the way to work or you wouldn't eat anything for two or three days before grabbing a small snack due to your busy schedule. Between going to school from eight in the morning to  one in the afternoon and then hoping on the bus to get to the diner you worked by two, you hadn't been able to cook yourself anything healthy. 

   However, at school you would possibly get a salad for lunch, but your classes were almost always too overwhelming for you to eat it, so you never ate any healthy meals. You'd also been flaking out on your best friend whenever he was in town due to the craziness of your life. He would always remind you that he was free to hang out whenever and you truly appreciated his efforts. You were never free to hang out. 

   Jensen was always understanding and you knew you didn't deserve him. He was away for the majority of the year filming Supernatural, so you never got to see him, making you feel like shit. However, he would try to visit you whenever you had an extremely busy day to let you cuddle into him and relax while watching children's movies. It was always nice to see him for a day before you had to get back to your busy schedule. 

   Tonight was one of the calmest nights you had had in months, working a few hours shorter than what you normally did. As soon as you got home, you changed into the comfiest pajamas you could find and cuddled up on your couch with a fuzzy blanket and Netflix. You heard a loud knock on your door and groaned, not wanting to get up to open the door. The knock was heard again and you paused your movie, draped the blanket over your shoulders and walked over to the door to open it. You opened it to see Jensen standing on the other side with a box of pizza and a bottle of soda. 

   "I bought you dinner," he said as he let himself into your apartment. You shut the door, going to sit next to him on the couch. 

   "Jay, you didn't have to," you said as you opened the box, seeing that he had gotten your favorite: meat lovers. You smiled, grabbing a slice and taking a huge bit out of it. He chuckled as he reached for one for himself. 

   "It looks like I did. You're starving, sweetheart." Jay leaned over and placed a soft kiss to your temple as you finished off your first slice. It felt great to have actual food again, being able to fuel your body properly. You opened the bottle of soda he had brought and got up to get paper cups, pouring one for you and him. You took a sip of yours and your eyes watered at the intensity of the carbonation. 

   "What brings Mr. Moviestar back home so early, anyways," you mocked as he rolled his eyes. "Not that I'm complaining. I mean, shit, he brings me food." Jensen's smile grew wide as he saw your happiness shine through you. 

   "Well, I figured with all of her stress, you deserved some best friend time," Jensen said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "I also really, really, missed you." You smiled and snuggled into his chest. 

   "I really, really, missed you, too," you replied as you leaned away so that you could get a perfect view of his face. God, his face. His pretty green eyes and dirty blonde hair and plump lips. You could stare at his lips all day and it appeared that he could look at yours also. You decided to test your theory. "Kiss me."

   In an instant, Jensen's lips were on yours and you leaned into his kiss. His grip on your shoulders went down to your waist and tightened around it, pulling you closer as you did the same thing but with your arms around his neck. You broke the kiss, out of breath as you leaned your forehead against his. 

   "Now Jared'll stop bugging me about falling in love with you," he joked as you laughed lightly. 

   "Thank you for that dinner and that extremely amazing kiss," you whispered. "I-I love you, Jay." He seemed shocked that you said i first, but he smiled. 

   "I love you, too, (Y/N). And your welcome," Jensen said leaning over to get another slice of pizza for both you and him, stealing a chaste kiss in the process. 

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