Hogwarts AU {Sorting Ceremony}

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   I really like AUs so if you have any requests for one, if I know the movie, show, or book you're asking for, I'll 100% do it so :))) Also, I know some of your house irl won't match up to the ones in the preferences. I'm very sorry, but I was thinking of doing a little series of this. Like with the Yule Ball and Train Rides. So yeah. Ily very much- Emma 

   Sam: You stood in line by yourself, messing with the sleeve of your robes that were just a tad too big. They were your older brother's old ones, him having just grown out of them. You heard footsteps coming your way and you looked up to see a boy with hazel eyes and a kind smile. 

   "Hey," he said simply as Mrs. Mcgonagall began to speak. She called names and kids walked nervously to the front of the Great Hall, hoping that this measly task wouldn't dictate whether or not they could keep the friends they had already made. 

   "Sam Winchester." The boy next to you smiled and walked up front, accompanied by a 'Go, Sammy!' 

   "Ravenclaw!" The hat yelled loudly and so did the sea of blue sitting on the opposite side of the room. The boy who had yelled out at him while he was walking up cheered and clapped his hands, seemingly happy with Sam's house, despite Sam not being in Slytherin like he was. 

   "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You walked through the crowd nervously, feeling everybody's eyes on you. You took a deep breath before sitting on the stool, your legs dangling and your feet swinging. You stared at them until you heard a deep voice rumble from above you. 

   "Slytherin!" The table full of green cheered and you smiled slightly as you walked over to them and sat in the empty spot at the front of the table. You felt a tap on your back and turned around to see Sam turned around looking towards you. You looked into his bright eyes and he began to speak. 

   "Hey, at least we're still close to one another," he said as the Gryffindor erupted in cheers and you nodded. 

   "At least." You turned around, happy to have found a friend on your first day. 

   Dean: You were talking a few friends you made on the train when you were forced to get into a line. The Great Hall doors were heaved open, and you were met with a gigantic room filled with tables, all of the upperclassmen, and all of the professors. The boy behind you gasped and tripped onto you, presumably because he wasn't paying attention. Turning around, you were met with shocked green eyes as he stammered an apology. 

   "I-I'm so sorry. Are you okay," he said frantically as the lady began calling names. You laughed at him, causing him to look confused and a little hurt. 

   "It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I'm (Y/N)," you said as his green eyes poured into your (Y/E/C) ones. He stuck out his hand, waiting for you to shake it. 

   "And I'm Dean," he commented once you grabbed his hand. 

   "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)," yelled the professor and you let go of his hand, instantly missing his warmth. You confidently went up and sat on the stool, eagerly awaiting to find out where you would be placed. 

   "Slytherin!" You smirked, walking over to the table that was cheering rowdily. You sat down and made eye contact with Dean. He smiled at you and didn't notice that they had called his name because he was staring at you. Dean sat down acting a little timid, and it was clear that he was hoping to also be in Slytherin. 

   "Slytherin!" He smiled at you and hurried over to the seat next to you, making sure everyone knew you were off limits by just the look on his face. 

   Cas: You rocked nervously on the balls of your feet as you were standing in line for the Sorting Hat. You wanted to make your family and get sorted into Gryffindor like everyone else, but you knew your personality didn't match the characteristics of that house. You felt as if you were more of a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. You felt someone tap your shoulder very lightly, and you turned to see the boy you sat in the train car with smiling at you. 

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