Help Me (Jared×Daughter!Reader)

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  !TRIGGER WARNING! - Mentions of depression, self harm(I wanna also let you guys know that you can all talk to me about anything, no matter how minuscule you think it is. Like if you got an A on a test and your proud of it, fucking message me. Or if you're struggling with something, message me and talk to me about it. I'm always here for y'all <3 - Emma)

   School was quite possibly the worst thing you had ever had to endure. You didn't know if it was the people or your terrible grades or your lack of enthusiasm for it, but you couldn't do it anymore. It had gotten to the point where you were crying in the bathroom everyday during lunch and you hated the gross septic smells of the stalls. The "popular" girls would walk in and laugh at you, calling you demeaning names and threatening you.   You wanted to talk to your mom, but she was always busy with your little siblings and you didn't want to add anymore stress to it, so you kept it hidden. You knew your English teacher suspected that something was wrong because you had his class everyday after lunch and always had red, puffy eyes; however, he left it alone. 

   You had gotten picked up early by your mom because you were all going to the airport to get your dad from his flight home. You always got excited on the way to get your dad, but this time, you felt nothing. You were also gonna see Danneel, JJ, and the twins, something you would normally be ecstatic over. Instead, you felt your normal everyday emptiness, causing you to become confused and not know what was going on with you. Depression was probably the culprit, always disrupting your giddy mood, but you tried your best to keep on a convincing smile, not wanting your mom to worry. As soon as you got to the airport, the kids became extremely excited, wanting so badly to see their dad. Obviously, so did your heart, but apparently your brain didn't think so, causing your body not to show that you were. 

   The kids barreled toward your dad and "uncle" as soon as they were in sight, while you stood back and watched as they all hugged one another. Your dad spotted you and smiled, walking over to you and wrapping you up into a hug. His hugs were warm and inviting, making every sad thought float out of your head for 30 seconds. You pulled away with a soft smile and Uncle Jensen came over to wrap you into a hug. You watched over his shoulder as your dad asked your mom about you, or so assumed because he was pointing towards you. She shrugged and leaned up to give him a kiss. Your uncle pulled away and kissed your forehead, smiling at you. 

   The car ride home was filled with the kids asking Dad about set, while he asked Tom about first grade and Shep about preschool. 

   "What about you, (Y/N)," your dad asked as he pulled you out of your thoughts. "How's school?"

   "It-It's okay," you answered as you went back to watching a movie on your phone. You heard him sigh as he turned around in his seat, running his hands through the mop on top of his head. The drive home was quick, allowing you to get to your room as soon as possible, and you claimed that you were tired so that you wouldn't look too suspicious. *TRIGGER START* The razor was hidden under your pillows, so you shut your door and grabbed it quickly. You replayed the names that the girls at lunch called you and made small incisions on your wrist for each name. Slut. Bitch. Loner. Cow. Each word caused a new flow of blood. You heard a knock on your door and you slipped the black sweatshirt that you had been wearing back on, sticking the bloody razor back under your pillow. *TRIGGER END* 

   "Co-come in," you said as your dad walked in. He smiled at you and you smiled back...kinda. He sat on your bed next to you and put one of his arms around your shoulder. He kissed the top of your head, resting his chin down on it. 

   "You doin' okay, sweetheart?" His tone was full of worry and you shrugged your shoulders. "I-is something bothering you?" You felt tears start to form in your eyes and your brain screamed Yes! Yes! I'm in so much pain; please help me, but you just shook your head and fought back the tears. He sighed and put his hand underneath your chin to have you look up at him. "That's not what Mom says." 

   "Mom wouldn't know," you said, starting to become defensive. "There's nothing wrong! I promise. D-dad, I-" You couldn't finish as you started crying and you hid your face into his shoulder. He sat there and rubbed your back, attempting to calm you down a little. When you were left with puffy eyes and a runny nose, he looked you in the eyes. 

   "(Y/N), tell me what's wrong." His voice was barely above a whisper. Your dad's hazel eyes were filled with sadness, tears threatening to fall as he watched you. You sighed and looked down at your hands, which were playing with your sleeves. 

   "I, uh, I've been feeling really down lately and I-I don't know if it's depression or if it's just school or-or...I just don't know," you admitted as your dad nodded. 

   "Wh-why are you wearing a sweatshirt in 90 degree (roughly 32 degrees Celsius) weather?" You heart stopped and you couldn't speak. *MORE TRIGGER START* He reached down to your sleeves and slowly rolled them up to reveal the scabbed over and healed cuts that littered your wrist. His visibly tensed and the tears he had been holding back fell on your arm as he glanced over every small cut and scar. *MORE TRIGGER END*

   "Dad, I'm s-sorry. I don't-" He shushed you as he looked back into your eyes. His hand was messing with the back of your hair and you heard him sniffling as he held you impossibly close. 

   "Don't you ever, ever be sorry about this. I know what you're going through; I've felt this dozens of times. It gets better, sweetheart," he said, his eyes full of truth. "I know it sounds cliche, but if you're willing to work on it, it'll fade. Promise me you'll work on it. Please." Your dad's voice cracked and he started sobbing into your shoulder, causing you to wrap your arms around him. 

   "O-okay. I-I promise, Dad. I reall-really do." 

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