Attach All of The Strings (Sam×Reader)

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   Dean had gone into the store to get some snacks for the rest of the drive to Jody's and you and Sam instantly had your hands all over one another. He grabbed your face, kissing you with a lot of force. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours. He rubbed his thumb across your cheek and pecked your nose, causing you to scrunch it up. 

   "God, you're so adorable," Sam chuckled. You rolled your eyes, sitting back into your seat once you heard Dean walking towards the car. You and Sam had been dating in secret for a month now, kissing whenever you two were alone. Dean wasn't very supportive of the idea of you two together, so you kept it hidden. You normally didn't spend all that much time close to Dean so it normally wasn't a problem, but since you were all going to Jody's, you and Sam were really going to have to be discrete. The 6 hour car ride was torturous; you couldn't touch Sam at all. Sam was looking rather antsy in the front seat, sneaking glances at you whenever he could. But Dean didn't suspect anything and that was the goal. 

   Once you got to Jody's, you quickly got out of the car and stretched your legs. You were the first one up to the door, knocking before Dean and Sam were fully out of Baby. You couldn't wait to see the girls; they were like sisters to you. Claire answered the door and she pulled you in for a hug as soon as she saw you. You heard Sam chuckle and felt both of the boys slide past you and Claire. Alex just stood at the bottom of the stairs, rolling her eyes as she went back up to her room. Sam and Dean said hi to Claire and hugged her also. When Jody walked in with the groceries, her eyes went wide when she saw you, Sam, and Dean standing there.

   "I'll put in a second chicken," she said as she nodded for you to go with her. You followed her, leaving the two men to sit in the living room. Jody knew about you and Sam, well, kind of. She knew that you had a crush on him, but she didn't know that you two had started dating, which was a good and bad thing. Once Jody found out, she would probably feel betrayed that you didn't tell her. However, you couldn't risk anything. You heard the rustle of the bags as Jody took the contents out of them, handing you things and telling you where to put them. 

   "Sorry to barge in like this. We had a case and needed to-" You were cut off.

   "So, you and Sam, huh? You didn't tell me you two were together," Jody said as she turned on the oven. You stared at her wide eyed. How did she know?

   "H-how did you..." your voice trailed off as you tried to wrap your brain around it. She chuckled at you and patted your shoulder. 

   "The way he looks at you. Does Dean know?" She knew that Dean was not very accepting of the idea of you and Sam together. You just looked at her and she sighed. "I'm guessing no. Okay, um, let's go sit in the living room while this cooks to catch up, huh?" You nodded and followed her out where Sam and Dean were. Sam smiled at you, making you blush a bit. 

~Time Skip cause I'm lazyyy~

   You had all sat down to dinner and you could sense some tension between Alex and Claire. There was something going on, you could tell, but you didn't think about how bad it was until Claire spoke up. 

   "Real? You wanna get real...okay. Let's get real. So you and Henry, sneaking up to Jody's cabin to screw yourselves silly," Claire said with a smirk on her face. Everyone at the table stopped chewing, even Dean. Jody looked at Alex, who was desperately trying to defend herself. 

   "I-I-I've definitely seen birth control pills in your backpack," Jody said as you, Dean, and Sam sat there awkwardly.

  "Oh, we're goin' there," Sam said a little above a whisper as he took a sip of his wine. 

   "Look, I'm not saying that you, or you, are too young to have sex, but we shouldn't be doing things we can't talk about right," Jody said as she looked in your direction. You put your head down, excusing yourself from the table. You got up and took your plate to the kitchen to wash it off. You heard the scrape of another chair against the hardwood floor and footsteps approaching you. 

   "How does Jody know?" Sam whispered at you and tried to stay calm, but you knew that he was beyond pissed. You focused on the dish and washed off the uneaten food, watching it go down the drain.

   "Sh-she found out herself. She was upset at me because I didn't tell her right when it happened," you said rather timidly as you opened the dishwasher. You were about to place the plate in there when Sam's hand wrapped around your wrist, making you look at him. 

   "Bullshit," he whispered through gritted teeth. "You told her." You stared at him in disbelief. Why would he think that you would betray him like that.

   "No, I didn't. Why would I even do that? You know how much this relationship means to me and if someone found out-"

   "Well, (Y/N), someone found out," Sam said raising his voice a bit. He let go of your wrist and clenched his fists. "We can't do this anymore if you're going to tell people."

   "I. Didn't. Tell. Anyone!" You yelled, catching Sam off guard. "Why would I tell someone that? We had an agreement, Sam. I wouldn't want to break your trust and you know that!" You didn't care if Dean heard anymore. Sam was blaming you for something you didn't do. You went back into the dining room, grabbing your coat from the back of your chair. You had a moose trailing behind you and you were getting extremely frustrated. 

   "(Y/N), I'm sorry." You rolled your eyes at him and glared at him. 

   "Do you even know what you're sorry for," you asked as he nodded with his head down. You put your hand on his cheek, causing him to look up at you. You leaned in and kissed his lips, causing him to softly smile.

    "You know Dean's gonna ask us about this, right?" You nodded at his words. You froze when you heard a voice from the now open front door. 

   "You bet your asses he is," Dean said with a look of anger mixed with amusement. "So, how long?" Sam looked at you and you nodded, giving him permission to open up your once secret relationship.

   "About a month," Sam said as he ran his hand through his hair. Dean nodded, biting his lip.

   "Stay together. It's actually kinda cute," he said as he moved out of the way for you two to walk in. You smiled at Sam and he smiled back at you. He hugged you. 

   "Thank God," he whispered into your ear. You chuckled at him, being in the best mood ever. You were able to keep your moose. 

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