Soulmate AUs - Preferences

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   I see these everywhere and I think they're super fucking cute so I'm gonna do one, too. I'm a follower ik . This one's also kinda special ig cause I'm doing all of the people who were in my Valentine's Day one so enjoy ily all- Emma 

(Also 2825 words wowwie) 

((Also also, (y/e/c) means 'your eye color' so keep that in mind))

   Sam: Color Aura AU - Everyone was born with a black aura, that is until they met their soulmate and it changed into some beautiful color. You were 22, just out of college when you met him. You were rushing down the street trying to get to your measly job as a waitress. If you were late again, your boss was gonna have your head. The door chimed right after you walked in, allowing two men to walk into the diner, taking a seat at the table in the very back. You walked over, sighing and putting on your "waitress smile." 

   "Hi, I'm (Y/N). I'll be taking your orders. Would you like to start with something to drink?" You looked up and waited for an answer. 

   "Uh, yeah. I'll have a black coffee," said the man with green eyes. You jotted that down in your small notebook then looked over at the man with brown eyes. They lit up as soon as you met his gaze and you noticed your aura changing to a soft lavender color, his becoming a harsh red. 

   "I second that. I-I'm Sam," he said nervously reaching out his hand. You took it, shaking it slightly. 

   Dean: Eye Color AU - All of your friends had found them; they had all found the people who had the same eye color as them. They were destined for each other, and you still had no one. You were stuck being the only one with bright green eyes in your small suburban town. You were walking around said town when you spotted a '67 Impala sitting in the parking lot of a local diner. 

   Walking up to it, you noticed how good the condition of it was. It's sleek black paint didn't have a single chip in it, no scratches anywhere, no dents in the sides. You noticed someone walking closer to the car, so you backed away quickly and tried to make yourself look super innocent. You didn't want anyone to think you were stealing anything. 

   "She's beautiful, ain't she?" A deep voice rumbled from the other side of the car, causing you to look up. You went to say something about how great the car was, but you were lost in his eyes. His bright green eyes. He chuckled and looked at his feet before looking back into your eyes and smiling. "Hiya, soulmate. I'm Dean." 

   Cas: Tattoo AU - A tiny rose on your wrist; that was your mark. Everywhere you went you looked for someone who had a rose like yours on their wrist, also. So far, you didn't have any luck, but you weren't going to lose hope just yet. You were a hunter and hunters were determined. Hunt after hunt you risked your life, hoping the person you were saving was your soulmate or that you would encounter a hunter that had a tiny rose as well. 

   You were in the middle of fighting a vamps' nest, two other hunters by your side. Out of nowhere, a bright light flashed impairing your vision and causing the vampire to attack you, taking a bite out of your arm. You screamed in pain, watching as one of the other men chopped its head clean off. A man in a trench coat walked over, hovering his hand over the tear in your arm. An odd warmth radiated through your body as your injury faded into oblivion. Something caught your eye and before he pulled his hand completely away, you grabbed it and compared it to yours. It was a perfect match, a tiny rose on you and a tiny rose on him. 

   "I'm (Y/N)," you said nonchalantly as the man looked into your eyes with a smug smile on his face. 

   Jack: Flower Bud AU - You messed with the tiny bud that made its home on your index finger. You watched it almost all the time, hoping your soulmate would pass by and your flower would bloom and theirs would too and you would both fall in love. But that's never how it worked. You always sat by yourself while everyone else walked hand in hand with the flowers they had that were beautiful and vibrant. You wanted that so badly, but you could never find that. You hated walking around by yourself because you were embarrassed. You were almost 20 and you had yet to find your soulmate. You just wanted your flower to bloom. You just wanted to see what color it was and if it had a pattern. 

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